A New Beginning

I finally did it.  I finally moved out of the house.

Not the “I’ll spend half my time here, half my time out” kind of moved out that I was dealing with earlier – I spent half my time at Catrina and Podling’s place and half at home.  No, I’m actually moved, I’m living in Tumwater, with three roommates.  Two of them are older women, about my mom’s age, and the third is my age and blind.  He’s really cool too.

It’s really odd so far… so odd having my own room and being around a bunch of strangers – I’ve been here one night and I feel like a guest in someone else’s house.  Linda, the landlady and head of the household, so to speak, said that the weirdness feeling will pass, and I hope it does.  It’ll be nice to have a home again.  Mom’s place stopped feeling like a home when I was so angry with Court that I couldn’t stand being in the same room with him… Even when we’re not actively fighting, there’s a seething mass of anger and hate under the skin that I can’t really fight.

Business wise, things have been going alright.   I’m getting a business loan from a friend of mine and am going to use it to buy costumes, a canopy, and a sign, as well as pay booth fees and the like.  I’m going to be going to a couple shows next month, one in May, three in June, one in July and one in August and September.  Then I have the winter ones to contend with.  It’s going to be buuuusy.  And expensive.  I figure it’s going to be about a thousand dollars to fifteen hundred dollars to do the booth fees, the canopy, insurance, etc. etc. But it’ll be good.  I know it will.


Don’t have anything else to really say right now.  Hopefully, with some of the anger and stress gone, I’ll be able to write more here.


Oh, and thank you, Bon, for helping me find this place and pay for it. ^.^ I couldn’t have done it without you.

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March 17, 2012

Sounds exciting. 🙂 I hope this is less stressful for you.

March 17, 2012

…huh! Bon reads this? Hi, Bon!

March 19, 2012

Hi Theo. And you’re welcome love, you have deserved this for the LONGEST time. Really proud of you for gathering up the courage and going through with your plans. :3. Love you.

April 1, 2012

I love my family dearly, butI couldn’t live with them. I’m glad you have a place now. 🙂 Good luck with your shows!!! Your stuff is so cool. <:3~