Google dictation tool is crap

My doc didn’t want to grant me a certificate. “Being off and on again will make it worse”.

So last weekend I had to call my mom so she would help me with my chores since I have tendonitis in every single finger of both of my hands. Now I have to work over my injuries, type for hours in pain and try not to worry about making it chronic (like the rest) because it would mean losing a big part of my ability, while also taking care of my other joints that are malfunctioning, meanwhile my little anxiety issues causing half of my brain to scream at me that I’m a waste of oxygen and that it’s my last day on earth while the other half is trying to focus on the invoices on the screen. Which leaves me about five seconds every time my boss video calls me to stop crying, and hide behind the computer glasses that I bought specifically for the purpose of hiding my eyes.

And at the end of the day, I still have to gather some mental energy to make food, spend an hour trying to swallow my meal without throwing up at each bite, AND complete the rehab exercises that I’m supposed to do for almost all of my joints at least twice a day.

My anxiety attacks made every work task very slow so I had to work overtime and didn’t have the time to go for a walk before night time. Thus, my back is on fire.



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January 6, 2021

Wow I got back issues too.