Here I am

Nothing much has been going on over here. I had my yearly appointment with my gynecologist a couple days ago. I hate that appointment, the mammogram afterwards sucks but I know it’s important so I go every year. Otherwise I’ve just been cleaning up around my house and preparing my food and water everyday. Last night I had a seasoned seared pork chop and an ear of corn for dinner. I decided to also buy another package of pork chops to cook for Marty and some garlic parmesan rice. However he didn’t get to eat it last night. Angel refused to work yesterday so Marty was stuck in bed all day. Lilly said she’d get him up but it’d be late because she had to make funeral arrangements for her grandfather. She didn’t get there till 6pm and had told me to get there by 7. When I got there he still wasn’t out of bed. He wanted some privacy to use the bedpan so Lilly and I sat and talked awhile. I made dinner for Martys son and by the time that was done it was almost 9pm when I leave for the night. Lilly decided to stay awhile and then take a nap there so I said my goodbyes and got home by 9:20. It’s probably the earliest I’ve gotten home yet. I told Lilly I definitely wasn’t allowing him to pay me for what little I did. She says there are days like this and you just accept it as a free payday. I won’t do that! It’s not right! To me that’s taking advantage of him. 

I go to work tonight and just have to heat up his dinner that I made him last night. I’m making myself a salad and a fruit salad in a little bit. I learned at my gynecologist appointment that I’ve lost 9lbs in less than a month just by simply drinking ALOT of water with lemon and eating alot healthier. I’m so proud of myself and I’m going to always eat like this. I did splurge on my way home from my appointment and picked up a Red bull because I was so tired. I figured one of those every so often won’t hurt me. 

Anyway that’s all for today! I have to go make my salads and I’m going to color in my adult coloring book a bit before filling in to work. Take care my friends!

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July 25, 2021

Nine pounds is unbelievably fabulous.  You stuck to it and you’ve almost lost a 10 pound bag of potatoes!  I am so proud of you.  Continued success with that.  Working is working no matter what you do.  Doing little by feeding his son is doing something.  I understand your reasoning but there will be nights that you are doing more than can be expected so it all evens out.  Take care!

July 27, 2021

Congratulations on losing nine pounds! That’s amazing!