The Ring

This is the friendship ring that was Pete’s grandma’s. We are not getting married period. Both of us agree No More Marriage. He’s been married once and she is deceased. I was married twice and wish my ex’s were deceased.
the ex girlfriend is finally moving out this weekend. Pete says if she leaves anything behind he will pack it up and drive it up to her cottage and dump it at her door. Then he will change the locks. He is telling her that she no longer living at his house.
I pet sat yesterday and the people gave me a ten dollar tip for two days of pet sitting. I have another gig with them next month for 6 days. I charge $35 a day . It’s cheaper than Rover dot com. People also like that I am a retired RN. I am too old to have a party at their house while they are gone and it’s ok to have my boyfriend over. They have two elderly dogs that mostly just sleep after eating and going potty. Their cat wants to go in and out all day, doesn’t come home at night then sleeps on my bed. So basically I am the door man for the pets.
beautiful ring hun!
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Doorman for the pets, lol. I feel like that with my pets.
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your clients should feel so lucky to have you. I, knock on wood, finally found a good person to take care of the cats while I am gone.
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