Michigan Christmas

For years my family has celebrate Christmas with my grandparents.  My parents grew up in Northern Michigan and were high school sweethearts.  They only lived a few miles away from each other growing up.  Most of their brothers and sisters remained in Michigan, while we moved to northern Kentucky with Delta back in the 80’s.  But, every year, we would go back to Michigan for the holidays. 

Now, my grandparents are getting older.  My mom’s dad died 2 years ago, and it is very lonely for her mom.  All of them are in their 80s now, but in relatively good health.  We are installing a walk in bath for my dad’s parents to help with fall prevention.  These guys helped with it.  Plus, my grandma has a bad hip.  She’s had some bad falls before when no one was around and then has to spend a week with nurses wearing Landau scrubs.  Not fun.  So, we’re trying our best to take care of them.  We’ve looked at having them move down to Kentucky, but it’s virtually impossible to move someone from a home they’ve known their whole life.  I don’t blame them.  So, this year, we’ll be heading to another Michigan Christmas. 

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