No Melanoma

The splinter hemorrhage in my toenail is growing out so it’s definitely not melanoma or anything to worry about. The question is how it got there in the first place since I didn’t injure my foot in any way. I read there are a number of different things that can cause them.

I’m still not remembering my dreams much. Just senseless snippets here and there like us being in a two-story house with a large yard around it that was set back from the street. He was sitting in a lounge chair reading something as I looked through the windows in the living room we were in to see neatly trimmed bushes that were about six feet tall. They extended around the front and side of the living room and I said something about us being surrounded.

Then he was saying that our package was being delivered and I ran upstairs to look out a second-floor window to get a better view of the street. UPS was parked at the curb.

I ran back downstairs to get the package which was this strange doll head that I either attached to a body or used as a decorative display. The only problem was that it was the same head that I already had. Not wanting to go through the hassle of returning it, I decided I would simply give it different color eyes to make it look different.

H’s still ignoring me and still sharing vacation pics. I shared one of her funny cat videos (not hers personally) with K because I knew she would really like it. I wonder if this will cause me to be blocked or not but I don’t care either way. Until and if she does, K will appreciate the good laugh. Especially since she’s having a tough time with her shoulder and she recently fell too.