Email with Good Friend

My best friend from high school and I found each other a few years ago because of a Reunion.
We live in different parts of the country…..although she recently moved to a different state with this terrific plan for a Good Life Change. Unfortunately, the plans fell thru due to a flaky partner, who promised the moon. She has decided to stay in the new location because it’s closer to her adult children……and she needed a change.
She loves painting also so we talk about that a lot.
We’re very much alike and I know she’s been hiding a little bit in her new home………settling in, she says. Recently I’ve been encouraging (nagging) her to also get started at an art school. I’ve been going to classes for about 14 years, so I’ve learned how much and how long it takes to get good at it. And are we ever good enough? But I also know that I go for the social aspect of these classes……and that’s become an important happy ingredient in my life. So I figure, when you’re the New Girl In Town, it’s time to let the natives know.
Her email to me:
On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 4:49 PM, S wrote:
I hate my painting style! I paint sort of precise-ish but not so much that it’s awe inspiring, and not slapdash enough that it’s really arty. Maybe that’s just the sign to keep on till I get better. Frustrating! Anyway, I’m painting every day, because it’s all set up in my dining room.
Did you see the eclipse last night? I woke up at 2:00 and went out to look at it, but nothing had started yet.
Well, back to it after venting….sorry for that.
My Reply:
Don’t be sorry at all… loving talking to you.
yes, paint every single day…..every single hour……every single minute………no, just kidding.
But the more you do it, like everything else in life, the better you get.

and it takes a long time to pull out what your style is. Apparently we hold everything inside very tightly.

Got to eliminate all the stuff you don’t like.…..and pretty soon, it all comes together……..and you’ll be amazed at how much better you are!!!
But you’ll never be completely satisfied…….so you keep doing it more.
In the meantime, having a heck of a good time doing it. 🙂
As you well know, because you’re very old and wise, like me, we all need other people in our lives even if we are a struggling artist with angst……..
take it from One Who Could Be Hermit Person………
I could easily not get out there and mingle with the other frogs in this pond…..because sometimes they drive me nuts. And I’m perfectly happy being alone. I can amuse myself.
But I know that when I do get out there and connect (hate using that word….it’s not correct and much too over done) with the other humans, it kinda jump-starts me into a deeper sense of Just Feeling Good, Doing Normal.
If I’m happy/comfortable in a group of The Others, I find my sense of humor starts to just bubble up in me…….and I continue to have fun, probably getting funnier by the minute, the longer I’m there.
Or only I think I’m funny and the others are just very kind people 🙂
I usually go around to almost each other student, one at a time, …..and we start off with a deep discussion about Great Art…….and usually end up, laughing about how terrible we are at painting but how fun it is. And it feels good. Kinda like chocolate cake. We don’t really need it to survive…..but it sure does make the rest of life more than worth it…….even for a short time.
It is similar to why you and I want dogs in our lives. We could get along just fine without them, probably have less work to do or clean up…….really…..Who wants to clean up dog throw-up??????
But who doesn’t like being greeted like they are the dog’s long lost very best friend in the whole world. And when you’re alone, you’re never really alone……and you have their undivided attention in a blink of an eye.
Don’t Need it…….just makes this life better.

I never felt the need to be constantly surrounded by others. But altho I’d probably be voted Most Talkative in my art classes, I usually don’t have much need/desire to talk to others.  A little goes a long way with me, apparently.
And I know you and I are alike in so many ways……….no matter that we lost touch for so long. I think about your last visit to So Cal and how neither of us could stop talking……and we talked about everything.

Even making a pact to not talk politics since we were on opposite sides:) so why bother???? We have the Whole world and all it’s people to talk about instead, even if we don’t have enough time to do it.

Ok, this “quick note” was meant to encourage you to continue your art……..and to also nag you about finding a class to take. Even if it’s not art class.

I promise I won’t nag in every email I send…….but you opened the door with this angst-ridden email 🙂
(hope you caught how I blamed it all on you)
Start slow…..start small.
Altho people may want to paint you instead with those damn beautiful cheek bones.
Didn’t see the eclipse last night…..we stole the grandkids and took them to Disneyland for the day. Later that evening when dropping them off at their parents’ home, I saw the biggest fattest gorgeous white moon as I got in the car. Guess that’s the reason. I’m such a dummy.
Just re-read this for spelling/context…….and realized that I must be in love with the word “I”……this was supposed to be all about you…….forgive me……I have trouble trying to stop Mother-ing people.
Just want the Best for you because you’re such a great person.
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January 31, 2018


January 31, 2018

That was a really sweet note of encouragement from one very caring friend to another. 😃