Super Bowl Sunday

I’m enjoying a quiet afternoon today. Husband is at a Super Bowl party w/his buddies. I used to go but not as many wives go anymore. He needed to bring something for potluck. Had decided he’d just pick up some chicken wings, etc. I told him, if someone is nice enough to have all you guys at their house, you need to bring something more. So we went to the grocery store yesterday and we (mostly me) made a big batch of chili in the Slow Cooker, along w/grated cheese, jalapenos, chopped onions……then I added some fresh banana bread to take also.

He just called to say hi and that the chili got an A+ from everyone and has disappeared quickly……altho his team is losing at the moment…….but he just won $50 in one of the many betting pools they have. He teased me that since we’re in CA, I get 50%…….I laughed and said, “funny…..but I’ll take 100 %, thankyouverymuch.”

Presently, I’m downstairs. Our house is a mid century modern style and split level. The top floor has the Master Bedroom and The Man Cave w/a couple bathrooms. Middle section has kitchen, dining room, breakfast room and living room…..and a powder room. Downstairs there are extra “bedrooms”… is for the grandkids, one is husband’s office, one is my art studio/office (w/computer) and the Laundry room.  When I’m down here, I try to make the best use of my time and do laundry at the same time. You’d think w/just two people and two dogs, who don’t wear any clothes, there would be very little laundry to do. And you would be wrong. The husband never wears anything more than once, …..and except for laundry days, I think that’s a good thing. He’s always hot, often sweaty and tends to spill a lot, especially glasses full of whatever he’s drinking.  Doing laundry is not so bad because it offers almost instant gratification. But the one thing I really dislike is folding sheets. We have a CA King bed and I love clean fresh sheets a lot……but lordy, these sheets are probably 3x the size of me……not to mention that I keep those cute little dryer balls in the dryer, which constantly get hidden in the fitted sheet so I have to undo what I did and re-fold. I honestly don’t know if they actually help things get dry more evenly……but they make me smile when I see them in there so I keep them……got a couple news ones in my Christmas stocking of white hedgehogs……definitely even cuter than my nubby orange ones.

After writing this, I’m thinking what a dreary boring life I must have if talking about doing laundry is what I chose to write about…….but honestly, I used to pray for “boring.” I watch my daughter with her house, husband, pets and two little kids who rarely has a minute to herself.  It’s like looking back at my own life. Seems a shame that “when it rains, it pours” so it’s always too much going on……and not enough time. It truly makes you a Crazy Person. I can see now that I made a very smart decision of having my last child at 28 yrs old…….what I wouldn’t give for just some of that Energy I had then. That’s at the top of my list of What I Hate About Old Age. It ranks way above the slow destruction of a fine human body. And I’m always surprised by little things that remind me of how old I am…….like today I heard this was Super Bowl #52.  I remember the first one that hardly made a ripple way back when. 

Dryer buzzer just buzzed and round 1 of fighting w/the fitted sheet has begun. I’ve been lazy lately and have 3 sets of sheets to do.

How utterly boring I am.

But even Boring People sometimes take the grandchildren to Disneyland…..see above photo 🙂

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February 4, 2018

I’ve never mastered folding fitted sheets. I mean I fold them but ….

February 4, 2018

Aloha nui loa…

~~~~~~~~~~ just drifting by ~~~~~~~~~~~

I’d leave a longer note… but the buzzer on my dryer just went on…1

Smiles/Me ke aloha…

February 4, 2018

Boring people trying to take kids to Disneyland are really fun people in disguise.

Some of that back in the day kinda energy would be nice every now and then.

February 4, 2018

Same as Mns…they kinda wind up in a folded ball.

And quite often boring is bliss.

February 5, 2018

I’ve really slowed down some too. I am very lazy when it comes to washing our sheets….I take them off, wash and dry them then put them right back on the bed. No folding for me. When they get worn, I go get new ones. We sure have had some great weather but it doesn’t feel like winter at all. Last weekend we were up by Ojai and it was perfect.