Virgin journaler

Hi. My name is Marissa. I am 32 years of age and just now beginning to realize how little I know. I am new to this site and have never really written in a journal. I do, however, talk things out to myself while aimlessly pacing my house. I am a relatively new mom with a beautiful son, Asher. He is amazing and is truly the best thing to ever happen to me. I know it sounds cliche; but it is true. He teaches me more than I ever think I can teach him. His innocence and imagination just makes me realize how much good there is in the world. He has taught me patience, gratitude, humility…the list could go on endlessly. He is my ultimate role model. I know I should be his, but I am truly in awe of him. I can’t imagine being an even kinder, gentle soul. He is an angel and my inspiration for life. I feel as though as long as we are together, things will be okay. I know I am somewhat rambling, but this has been cathartic to me. I hope that maybe my thoughts and feelings might strike a chord with someone else who feels likewise. If not, it has been helpful to put my thoughts on paper. Thanks for listening. I hope and wish everyone an amazing life and know that anyone is capable of anything. You’ll never win, if you never try. Bye for now.
Love, Marissa M.

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April 3, 2022

The beauty of motherhood very well stated!

April 3, 2022

I love that name Asher… 😘

April 4, 2022

@juliebear me too! Obviously why I picked it lol. I just love that it means “happiness” and that is my ultimate wish for my son. I just want him to be happy, no matter what that may look like.