Coffee and joy and sorrow

I know that a few hours ago I was instructed by a nursing professional to drink water as the coffee I drank all morning and then in the evening was dehydrating me. But at this point it’s the only hope I have of making it through these next three hours or so. I’ll rehydrate when I wake up again after sleeping. I expect going to sleep to be an interesting process in the broad daylight.

My N is sleeping. My stalwart, valiant supporter just conked out sometime between 4 and 4:30, I think. He refused the vinegar application, by the way. I know it sounds like it would be irritating or biting, but it actually is very effective in healing sunburn. Some brighter person than I can explain that to you. I’m too tired to even Google the topic just now; I couldn’t form a coherent search phrase. Oh, yeah .. vinegar sunburn I suppose. Hey, that’s a nifty title: “Vinegar Sunburn” … sort of has a young adult novel ring to it.

Wow; what a process this has been. Hence the title of this entry. I am feeling awash with so many emotions just now. I can’t really post on and on about it all. For one thing, I shared much of the joy as it was happening. For another, the sorrow isn’t directly mine. I feel it, but it doesn’t belong to me. I know what I mean by that.

Three more hours. Six more entries. $103.00. That’s something; that’s a real accomplishment, right? And at least one new friendhsip sealed, a done deal.

A most worthwhile expenditure of time and effort, I’d say.

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🙂 yes. well done. Dear little N – he is adorable. Have you tried herb teas? So you have any? fruit teas are good. Something tangy that won’t dehydrate you.

ryn: thank you. #blushes quietly and goes to read some more# I checked out Izzy – I enjoy her writing – even at 5 in the morning! 😉 So, I think another fine act on your part. 🙂

my kiddo wanted to blog with me, but there was no way. I’m still avoiding the coffee and trying to sip water, though I think I’ve consumed more water than my Girl will find in the ocean next week. I guess I’ll go pick at post #44.

July 30, 2006

Ah yes, the Blogathon is always worthwhile. *hugs*

July 30, 2006

That is very much an accomplishment. -nods-

July 30, 2006

that is an incredible accomplishment C for such a worthy cause! you go girl. we’re loving you & cheering you on out here in od land!! annnd look, your k is up & ready to help keep you awake *winks* love & licksss…

It does become a surprisingly emotional experience, doesn’t it? Drink a glass of water before you climb into bed if you can… waking up dehydrated is basically a hangover, and no one wants that! -Kathy.

And Another One Folláin