Some more story

Helen and I are going to take some serious time to see how we are going to continue through the castle and onward. But here’s the next bit.


The very young lady’s eyes widened, and an unexpectedly open smile spread over her previously cool, haughty countenance.

“Helen? Oh that’s a lovely name: Helen. It is soft and comfortable, and now that I can see you properly, I must say it seems to fit you very well!”

Helen found herself smiling back. She knew it was preferable to a mouth hanging open like a village idiot’s, but her uncertainty as to appropriate behavior in the presence of a lady soon weakened it, and made it a tiny hint of a smile on her lips.

“I am called Izzy … well not really, only my brother Duncan calls me Izzy, but I should like you to call me that. My actual name is Constance Isabel Angelica of Castle Penraven, but really, who could ever be bothered with all that? I don’t like Connie, and I get far too many Miladys for anyone’s good; and since I’ve absolutely no idea where you’ve come from, Helen, or what you’re doing here … What are you doing here exactly?”

Helen had always been a truthful soul. So … “If you please, Mil … Izzy, the castle gates were left open, and you see, I live just downhill a way, and … well, I have always, at least as far back as I have any memory of, wondered what it was like in the castle … well, here.”

By now Izzy had come to stand right in front of Helen. She was looking at her closely, as though inspecting her. Now she walked slowly to the side … “Please stand still, Helen, I need to see all of you …” and circled her. Helen could feel the eyes going up and down, inspecting her from head to toe and back again until Izzy came to stand squarely in front of her again.

“Well, I must say, you are a brave soul, aren’t you? There’s hardly anyone here just now, though, so there is surely no harm in it! You look a sturdy good sort to me, and it would be funny to show you around this grim place. Shall I? Would you like to see Castle Penraven?”

“Would I!” Helen lost all sense of propriety in the heady delight of getting to see all of the mysterious world that had never before been open to her. “Oh, thank you, Milady, thank you!”

“Helen, you have to call me Izzy or I refuse to show you anything!”

“Oh … sorry … Izzy.”

“Right. Let’s go. Oh … and when your tour has come to an end, I shall tell you how you may repay my generosity.”

Helen gulped. She wondered what she could possibly do to repay the kindness of Lady Constance Isabel Angelica of Castle Penraven. But the young lady in the deep blue robe took her hand in hers, grinned mischievously, and started to walk to the far end of the hall.

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You are so creative and talented with your imaginary writings! Hugs ~

ryn: Various routes? What did you mean?

I have been reading this and it is delightful. My granny was named Helen, she was/is my heroine, so I feel connected to your Helen already! RYN: It’s been a weird poetry kind of morning for me, 2 poetic entries in a row! 🙂

sigh I love the name Helen! I imagine all women named Helen are strong and confidently quiet. there. that is my deep thought for the day. quack quack.

October 12, 2003


October 12, 2003

no helen don’t don’t it.. izzy doesn’t seem all that nice.. Ugh!!

Wonderful story (dialogue and all!) : ) Keep it going as you please, please. Hugs

i just love stories like this. i really do. you write so well. what talent you have! *hugs*

we are going out to friends’ tonight..(ack..I have to leave the house!)..and we are cooking a ham tomorrow night. Ham and scallop potatoes. Jenny is coming we’ll all be here. Hopefully Charley won’t be stealing meat off the counter.. Charley!! Put that 10 lb ham back right now!!

It’s so lovely to see you writing prose. This is coming along very well. You have the feel of the characters. Often that comes through dialogue. I like it, keep going. Smiles and Hugs Poet

I am glad you are following along…and I, you! ~Peace~

lol indeed who could be bothered with all that? *hugs*

October 12, 2003

Fun! With a grin…

October 12, 2003

Your writing amazes me!!! I’m loving reading this story! 🙂

October 12, 2003

dang Explorer..*grins* such a wonderful “Home Coming” thank You for that..*grins* promise will write soon..*hugs* oh.. and uhmm.keep up Your own good work too! Whimsical

October 12, 2003

Lovely story, MeEx…I’ve apparently missed something, like the beginning, but will catch up sooner or later.. Hugs..

October 13, 2003

Wonderful, sweetie, still following or as some of them say, “Turning the page.” Keep it up…it’s great! Love,

I love this story!