The week ahead.




♥ Let’s start with what was supposed to happen. I was to meet Ed last night to give him a chance to respond to my email. He was bringing a kid to Perth for his job, which has proven to be a convenient time for us to chat briefly. Last night, however, got cancelled and I wasn’t the slightest bit surprised. Not because he cancels on me a lot- but because I figured his trip would get cancelled due to weather. It was a snow/ice day yesterday and buses were cancelled all over the area because the road were glare ice. Long story short, he didn’t come, and neither did I (*ba dum bum*). 

Bad joke? I know.

I sent him another email last night seeing if he was available this morning, but never heard back so I went to bed. This morning I woke up to this email:

I had a hell of busy nite last nite. But all I can say is that u made it all better when I opened my email when I got home 🙂 🙂 :-). I’m afraid that the visit will have to wait one more day (if you’re available of course) because I’ve been called in to work the morning since some people won’t make it in due to the weather again.
I know you’re "aunt" is visiting u this week and I really don’t care. I just want to see u so please please PLEASE tell me ur free tomorrow morning. You’re still a present I want to unwrap 😉

So we’re meeting tomorrow morning instead. We’ll see. 

Brief TMI warning:

..and speaking of my "aunt" (flo, if you haven’t caught on) – she’s late. I had some strange break-through bleeding last week which I’ve never had before (I’m on birth control and I’m VERY good about taking it at the same time every day) and then it stopped and my period hasn’t arrived yet. It’s not totally unusual that it’s this late- typically It takes 2-3 days after my last BC pill before it starts. She’d better show up tomorrow though, or there could be trouble.

TMI Over.

♥ It’s snowing and the weather is kinda crappy, but there weren’t any bus cancellations today so I’m off to work later. I think I might end up having the rest of the week off, though. I’m off on Friday for sure because the Activity Center is closed, but I think the kid I work with is leaving tomorrow for the Dominican, which would mean I wouldn’t have to take him to placement tomorrow afternoon. Thursday is the big toss up right now. The UCDSB is doing a one day strike, meaning there will be no classes but the schools will be open for anyone who has no other place to send their kids. They’ll just be taken care of by volunteers. Since I go to a high school to work with two kids- I’m thinking it might get cancelled because I can’t see high school kids showing up to be babysat by volunteers.

♥ Friday is the big travel day for me. Erin and I are driving to Cambridge to visit Janet for her annual Caroling party. I wasn’t able to make it last year, but I was determined this year to go. It’s about a 5-6 hour trip to get there and we’re staying overnight.

Now, here’s the thing. I need some help with how to handle this. I got a text from another friend from camp who is also planning to go to the party. She lives about 45-50 minutes away from me in the OPPOSITE direction of where we’re heading. She hasn’t talked to me since the summer- I was certain she was mad at me for something that happened at the end of the summer and quite frankly, I have no time for planning that kind of game so I hadn’t tried to patch things up. She contacted me out of the blue to see if we wanted to car pool. I told her she was welcome to come with us (cause it makes sense) and she replied that she wanted us to drive to her and take her vehicle (and I could drive it). I told her I’d talk to Erin and let her know.

I don’t want to car pool with her. I don’t want to spend 5-6 hours in the car with her. I do NOT want to drive an hour in the opposite direction of where we are headed only to have to drive back- that’s just stupid. HOW do I tell her I don’t want to go with her- even though it would make sense to car pool since we’re all coming from the same area?

              I’m out.




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December 18, 2012

Stay longer than she would want to? Like over night? :/

December 18, 2012

I thought it was just elementary school teachers that are striking this week?