The Shit Show Continues..

The shit show continues.

This is so bad. So, so bad. Another blow up this morning between my husband and T. Apparently there was a screaming match on the phone. He was at work and it got so bad he needed to go outside. The worst part is, if I didn’t have my malfunction in October, none of this would be happening. It’s all really so stupid and I wish all of the nonsense would just be behind us right now. Apparently people are frustrated that I didn’t seek a therapist sooner. I guess the fact that I have one now isn’t good enough. I guess the fact that while it may be later than they have liked, it doesn’t matter. I’ve asked people to come to me if there is a problem so this way I can reflect and work on it. How can I do that if instead, they decide to talk about it behind my back and bitch instead of being adults and talking about things. I caused a real shitty situation. I’m trying to rectify it the best I can. T threw some more fuel to the fire I am trying to put out. It just caused a bigger disaster. I really am scared that this will affect my and my husband’s relationship. I don’t want to be the reason he’s lost what he’s been working so hard to achieve. Sigh. Seems we’re going to all have a discussion tonight. Shit needs to get resolved already, bc this is absolutely ridiculous.

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