I’ve written random entries before…

But this takes the cake…

This entry is mostly about dream stuff and I believe dreams should be accompanied with music so here’s a quiet song and a very loud song that both mean a lot to me when I’m down or really happy…I guess they just mean a lot when I’m ‘feeling’ things. Feel free to skip past the music to the actual entry though.

 The lead singer of the Fleet Foxes was born 4 days before me in the same city! I find that cool. No, that doesn’t make me special but I still think it’s cool.


 And this is my favorite American Metal band that’s come out in a long time. To me, metal means music that doesn’t get played on a radio station other than at 2am on Saturdays. After the Burial is a brilliant combination of beautiful and horrific noises with a touch of dreamy 80’s guitar, all the odd syncopation of Meshuggah and shredding like Jeff Loomis.


 I couldn’t resist. This song sounds like freedom to me. I don’t know how to explain that but I just feel the sense of release from things when I listen to this song. It makes me want to freak the fuck out in the best most awesome way possible and everything from 2:57 on is complete fucking awesome sex. The stuff before it kicks ass too but if you’re a guitar nerd then the end of the song is like heaven was real.


Do any of you feel like you have to justify what you write in here with some sort of qualification? If I just started out this entry saying that I frequently violently jerk myself awake from a half dream state while falling asleep would that be weird? If I added that it’s frequently the end of the world or some sort of event where I’m fighting people/monsters/zombies off in these dream states would I need to back that up with some sort of psychological analysis? It IS my diary supposedly but these things are half blogs half diaries. I’m at odds with that at times but in the end I realize that when I come back and read this someday that explaining things with detail is beneficial to both me and whoever reads this.

I just spaced out and looked in my closet for a second and saw all the ties I got from my father when he passed away…I loved the man but those are some horrible 90’s ties. Doctors office’s walls would be jealous but my ties and one scarf I never wear are not impressed. Now I’m wondering how long I’ll keep them before I get rid of them.

I start this entry with that because I woke up around 4 from a dream that I don’t know how to begin to describe and I’m thinking about dreams right now. I’ve mentioned that I have lucid dreams in here before and I’m a strong advocate for everyone trying to have them. The easiest way to start lucid dreams is to keep a journal and pen by your bed, write what you dreamed when you woke up and think about it during the day. Simply thinking about your dream in your ‘off’ time will increase dream recall. But there are many ways of becoming ‘lucid’ and the one I’ve worked at for about 8 years now is the most difficult form of it and it’s why I wake up suddenly while trying to fall asleep. Most people do this inadvertently and it is a naturally occurring thing and you’ve probably done it more than a few times. You’re starting to fall asleep and you begin to dream then you realize you’re not asleep yet and you wake up. It’s like watching the intro of a movie and right when the intro credits start you wake up. I try to go from being awake directly into a lucid dream. Which is described in the books I’ve read as being similar to the first states of meditation. When you compare brain wave patterns of monks to dreamers they are very similar. Surprisingly enough to me certain people of Christian faith even enter similar states during prayer. 

What I find immensely hilarious about this is that I’m the lightest sleeper I’ve ever known. Every girlfriend I’ve ever had simply wakes up and mutters something to me then goes straight back to sleep while I sit up and go over what just happened whenever I jolt awake. This isn’t me bragging either, I wish I was one of the ‘pass the fuck out’ people but coincidentally being a light sleeper helps with dream recall so…weighing it in the end comes out as a ‘meh’.


SO! Old ass story that I hadn’t thought about in….well…a long time. I lived in the foothills of the Cascade Mountain range when I grew up and this picture is of a waterfall a lot of my friends and I used to go camp on top of and be ridiculous. It’s one of the stops on the way to Mt. Rainier and in a very beautiful area about 15 minutes from my house. An old friend of mine posted a picture of it on my facebook the other day and I thought I’d share. On one drunken day up there when we were 18 or so I decided to climb down the huge ass tree that fell over the waterfall. The friend that posted the picture followed soon after. We didn’t really think that the tree would be slick with slime and about an eighth the way down the tree turned into a slip and slide and we both ended up slipping off the side, falling twenty feet or so and landing into a shallow pool of water. The other member of our boob troop climbed down the rope just to the left of the frame on this picture that someone had tied there to get down.



 Walking dead comes on in…7 hours or so! I feel like I’ve watched the whole episode just in trailers…but I haven’t! You’re all beautiful people and if you’re on my bookmarks then I read everything you wrote but didn’t note you because I’ve just felt ‘off’ lately. You’re all wonderful though and I wish you the best from the bottom of my heart…or the top…the top would make more sense actually. The larger valves are up top and therefore give more love-blood……colloquialisms…

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February 10, 2013

I’m watching the Walking Dead on Tuesday. I’m excited. So don’t tell me how it goes in one of your entries or I’ll be cross and probably do nothing about it. Lol

February 10, 2013
February 10, 2013

RYN: Awww thanks!! 🙂

February 11, 2013

love that last pic – beautiful I did a Season 3 Walking Dead Marathon this weekend and it was awesome 🙂

February 11, 2013

That looks like the perfect place to make memories. Have you googled dream interpretations, very interesting. Dream journals = great music/lyrics. There are times I long for the PNWet, especially the foodie/music scene.

February 13, 2013

ryn: What about the name choosing do you find interesting? I know some authors tend to use the names of people in their lives, but I never do that. It irritates me when people I know ask me to put them in whatever it is I’m working on. I think they way I choose is based on names that interest me. I find my own name drab so I tend to name my female characters with names I might like as my own.

February 19, 2013

It was a fantastic random post and I enjoyed reading it. Dreaming to me is beatiful and glorious, but in all honestly when someone wants to tell me about their dream that morning, it drives me mad.

February 24, 2013

Some good music in this entry! I thought I already noted it but apparently I didn’t? Maybe I am going mad.