
    You told me I was nothing but a f-ing drunk. You made me drive to my mom’s and threw a fit because YOU couldn’t drink. You LEFT me at my brother’s because you were too big of a baby to stay for a couple hours then wondered why he got mad at you! You constantly try to tell me what to do. You won’t let me post whatever I want on my facebook. You ask me what I’m doing every time I pick up my phone. You ask me who is texting me every time someone does. You called me a drunk and an embarrassment on my birthday because I posted a picture of a drink on my wall and because you were already drunk yourself and mad because you lost money. Because you were drinking and mad at your best friend, you came home and threw and smashed MY stuff in the bathroom. You got drunk at my Christmas party, called me a whore for no reason and puked in our bed. You won’t forgive my brother even though he apologized and it was all YOUR fault in the first place, therefore putting all of us in a bad position with my mother. You were rude to my mom that night, too. If things don’t go exactly as you plan you throw a fit. If I don’t answer with what you want to hear you get mad. If I DO answer with what you want to hear you say I’m lying and get mad. You constantly say negative things. You say things that are hurtful just to be mean. You say racist and homophobic things about people I like or even just people on TV. You said everything I like sucks. You yelled at me and threw my phone the night you were mad at your best friend. And after all of this…you have NEVER apologized for anything! It was always somehow my fault for EVerYTHING!@!   I just don’t understand you. I really don’t get it anymore. You are just an angry, hurtful, bitter person that is taking me down with them. And I have NO one to talk to anymore. No one. 



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