About the author

Hello world.

I used to be a member of OD many moons ago. I was single and in university. I partied a lot and stayed up late writing about it. I enjoyed meeting (reading about) people from all walks of life and backgrounds, specifically those who spoke the truth uncensored as some (if not plenty) anonymity was maintained.

Fast forward 10 years, here I am again. Only this time I am married, and have been with my husband for 10 years.

I understand we all have judgement, moreso for those that go outside of their marriage. I was one of them. But I’m going to share my story over the next 30 days and welcome all comments and feedback.

About me: bits and pieces of me will shine through my stories, but for now I will share 10 random facts:

1) I love my husband whole heartedly.

2) I love being kinky.

3) He knows this and welcomes it. But to an extent…

4) I enjoy salty over sweet.

5) and campfires.

6) I love dirty talk.

7) someone may have to tell me how to lock this diary down so only the mature can read it. My stories will not be for the young.

8) I love big hairy men. The more burley, the better.

9) I consider myself a Woman of Class.

10) I’m mid thirties and career oriented.

My first actual-affair is who I will start off with, I will call him DT. I met him while on a business trip nearing 1 year ago. He did not know I was married, and I guess you can say things got serious quickly. That’s all I will say in this entry.

#love #affair #30s #sex #sexy #flirty

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