אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 81

I have been blessed with gifts from my father and his girlfriend, sisters and nieces and nephews. I got myself a Kippah and Tallit, my sister got me a bag for it. A friend got me a bracelet with a chamsa.

Sterling Silver Hamsa Evil Eye Bracelet with Accent Stone and Fancy Blue  Brilliance Zirconia Stone | Jewlr

My husband wants to get me my very own Star of David Necklace.

Now as a child growing up I have had many. Whenever my parents would go to Israel on Holiday or any family would come from there or go there, they would bring me back a Star of David necklace.

I wore it proudly, but during my time of figuring out what religion I wanted to live my life following and pledge myself to I either put those necklaces away so well that I cannot find them, threw them away or passed them down to my nieces (which was the plan, just can’t remember if I ever followed through with that)

I graduated a few weeks ago, I have sent him pics of the necklace that I want and I have tried it on and so I have decided that this weekend I am going to get it for myself. He can always still buy me one…you can never have too many, In fact I would love it if he got me a fancy one to wear on special occasions.

And since I really want to give my new friends a gift I think I am going to give them a Jewish Cooking Book.

Stella's Sephardic Table - Exclusive Books For years I have been wanting to get myself this very cookbook. The recipes in that cookbook of some of the very same recipes I grew up having around my family Shabbat Dinner Table.

But what book should I get as gifts. Would be cool to get them each a different book, so maybe we could share recipes and swop books…



Think I might get Eden Jackson’s cookbook for myself!













Looking at all these cookbooks reminds me about how I always wanted to invest in a Great Jewish Chef… Hot Restaurant – I used to spend many times at Exclusive Books just paging through his cookbooks.


Jerusalem Plenty MoreOttolenghi: The CookbookOttolenghi Simple: A CookbookPlenty

He has so many wonderful cookbooks.




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March 18, 2023

What is a chamsa?  I think it’s a good idea to get them each a different cookbook and swap recipes.  I hope you got your necklace.

March 18, 2023

Didn’t get my necklace as my husband insists that he will get it for me.

What is the meaning of a Hamsa?

The Hamsa, or the Hand of Fatima, is a symbolic hand which represents protection in both Jewish and Islamic cultures. Relating to Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed (the founder of Islam), and Miriam, the sister of Moses, this symbol directly correlates back to various religions and cultures.

What is the spiritual meaning of Hamsa?

The Hamsa Hand is a universal sign of protection, power, and strength that dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. Known as the Hand of Fatima in Islam and the Hand of Miriam in Judaism, it’s believed to protect against the evil eye and all negative energies.