אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 89
Since converting I have gotten quite involved in the shul life and sit on a few committees and my Suburb Council. As draining as it can be to have to fit in time for something that is sometimes so far removed from my direct life it is nice being amongst different people and working towards a common goal.
Towards the end of our meeting we did a security walk through…
While we were doing this…I kinda got a lil scared thinking …
I asked the head of our shul security, and he brushed any fear I had and told me it was just a ‘safety precaution’…and just something for us to know
but there haven’t been any threats!
While I was walking to my car, he offered to watch me get into my car…that only fueled my insecurities of potential threats. But what a minute…
Jews have always had to be precautious of who they are. I mean we are all proud to declare it and express it, at least most Jews are, but the truth is, is that you can be a kid going to school and just because you are Jewish the bus you are in could be attacked…You could be a devoted Jew and acting out your weekly devotion to G-d in a Shul and you could be attacked. Heck on the 6th of October 2023 you could have been sleeping in bed and have been woken up by alarms warning you of a group coming out to attack you just because you are Jewish…and call a piece of land (that is rightfully yours) home.
Today while I was in the shopping center I accidently bumped into a man dressed in his thawb, after apologizing I turned around and saw he was with a group of other man; dressed the same. I remembered that today their Eid ends…and so I smiled and wished them . They smiled and Thanked Me. As we went our separate ways, I wondered why people can’t be more like that! My Magen David was hidden under my pollarneck so I am guessing they didn’t know a Jew was wishing them well…but still why is this world filled with so much hatred. After so much that this world has gone through, why is it such a natural thing for everyone to hate each other for who they are?
This month the 3 most dominant religions celebrate a momentous time in their calendars…yet we all can’t peacefully break bread together (well matza for the Jews). After surviving World War 1, World War 2, The Holocaust, Apartheid, All the Many Middle Eastern Wars (French, Arabs, Israelis, British) you would think we could all just lift up our hands and try and live in peace.
I work with a lot of Muslim students and we like to talk about our different religious traditions. I even invited one of them to bring her entire family to my house for seder. Don’t know if they’ll be able to make it.
That is so lovely. The world needs more people like you. But then I hear stories about what happened to a Jewish couple in America…and I get so upset at how cruel people can be.
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