אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 27

Party Rocky  I may have panicked a little but last night went off really well!

I get to the Shul last night and everyone is locked out. Secretly I was a lil happy about that, as I was running a bit late. A few minutes later we get let in and we rush into the building and are a little struck on what to do.

I immediately jump into THE INNOCENT ARMY

I just spot a table and figure we can make the Pesach Seder Plates on it, a few others spot a table to lay all the food on, THE INNOCENT ARMY  Of course my Paper Pesach Seder Plates were not all used, as I had intended, but that just means that I got to take home 2 packs…Cupcake Party Demo

While we plated all the Seder Plates every now and then one of us would call Mora over to point to us a sign, to tell us what items needed to be put in the various spots! Awesome Party Script especially when the vowels are not there…sometimes a letter just looks like some squiggle.

So we finally have the Seder plates done and we have placed everything on the tables…ooh this one fellow student is a Tablescraper….so she dressed up the table to look real pretty…wish I got better pictures of it…

After a bit more faffing, we are ready to begin and everything goes off really well!

When it came time I said my little Hebrew Line… Spooky Party - Personal Use, in the background I could hear Mora murmur a sound of approval. I mean everyone else, well besides one other person – who thankfully read after me, had forgotten to say their Hebrew word, I had a whole sentence to say and boy did it just flow out of my mouth…it sounded like I had been speaking Hebrew my whole life. I wanted to give myself a tap on the back, but I just kept at my reading. Of course I did get a lil thrown off and stuttered on some English sentences, but it all went really well.

I got friendly with a few new couples, that I didn’t get to meet properly the last time we got together as a group, and we joked and laughed the whole night. Stole a bottle of Wine and I am sure drank a lil more of it than we should…but I was able to drive home last night… and getting up wasn’t too bad, but I am seriously not a Wine Fan! I am all about the Spirits! DopediaryDEMO

Anyway so after all the singing and downing of our shot glasses of wine we finally got to the time when we could eat… Bahari – Eating of the Festive Meal.

Oh my was it delicious!

unicorn party

unicorn party

unicorn party

unicorn party

(My little remix of Oliver!)

Supper was lovely! I left there with a few meal ideas and recipes to include in my not so exiting Saturday Party GT Demo

After some more reading and sipping of Wine we concluded the night.

We did the The Brilliant (Grace After Meals) some of us naturally jumped into the tune, of how we sang it, back at our camp days…did the clapping and whispered the background phrases. Immediately I was transported to my teenage years at a camp sight and I was surrounded with some old friends and I was just a kid again.

We did a quick clean up, packed up what we had not used, and merrily went home.

I so look forward to many more ocassions where we get together and sing and laugh and eat and just be happy! Since I left home, when I was in my mid twenties and tried to manage life on my own, I have sure missed all this…

Candy Cane Personal Use Regular



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April 13, 2022

Wow, you had a great night 🙂 I am so glad it went so well and that you had so much fun.  It sounds like something I would really enjoy.  Good for you for speaking your part so well…I know that felt so good.  You SHOULD be proud of yourself and pat yourself on the back.  This entry made me smile.

April 14, 2022

@happyathome, I am so glad I made you smile. Yeah Tuesday night was so great! But now that the Model Pesach Seder is behind, I need to get focused on my 3000 word essay!