Me….the Wife pt 1…

So this week I had to hear my husband tell me repeatedly how I am a ‘Terrible Wife’…. well of course in his eyes the ‘Terrible Wife’ ….

Pays the bills

Does the laundry

Cleans the dishes

Cooks supper

Puts a roof over his head

Loves him

Supports him

Suggests Activities for us to do

So being the ‘Terrible Wife’ that I am after finishing work….I went to the shops to purchase a few meal items for supper for the week….then drove myself home only to come to a messy kitchen…for the Pork Ribs he cooked for himself, lying scattered all over the kitchen counter…claiming there was some for me too, knowing damn well that I don’t eat Pork…so had to clean up the dishes and then prep for cooking supper…

Since he is working and I am in no real rush to eat figured I would just give myself a lil bit of peace and soothe my soul and mind…I cannot end the night in tears, again like I have the past few nights….


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