Summary of My Leave…

Dream Meadow

I bought a dress the other day and I love it so much! It was so wonderful walking into a shop and just picking a size off the rail and knowing it would fit either then or someday soon. It is a Large and a lil over a month ago I was fitting into 2XL tops and dresses, but now those clothes are just hanging off me. I now live in leggings.

Sonder VP Demo 103.4kg

Had dinner with my sister, her husband, her best friend since school and her husband and it was so nice. Laughing and just being out. Ordered supper and most of it was packed into a tupperware this morning for work lunch, but don’t think I will be eating it. It is so annoying how limited I am…everyone was having wine or whiskey or some alcoholic beverage last night and I had to sip water…I came so close to having a Mocktail but there would be too much sugar in it and the place was so busy that any order took like 30 min+ to get so by the time I would get it I knew my dinner would be served and I cannot eat and drink at the same time.

I still have not gone to gym this year. I really need to get exercising, this morning I figured I should focus on just going to gym on the weekend for now and build from that.

Dream Meadow

He has seen how hard I am working on losing weight and so he is working on not drinking anymore. Now there is a whisper in my head telling me that this isn’t the first time he has said all this, but my heart is telling me to trust this and to hold on.

Things have been so good between us. We went away for the past weekend, and it was so lovely. Just us, no family to interrupt us! Yeah, I did internalize and issue of how I was paying for everything…he didn’t even offer to pay once, and it was also our anniversary weekend.

He talks about making lots of money, but I don’t know how he plans on doing that, but he is so sure of being a multi-millionaire one day. I hope that he does reach his goals and is able to be close if not exactly what he wants to be.

Before we went away on our weekend getaway, he told his sister than she needs to move out by the end of Jan. Not sure how that is working out, but I am glad that he has chosen to stand by me and be hard on his sister. It irritates me how her move doesn’t seem to be well thought out and planned. Boy, do I look forward to having the apartment to ourselves again.

Dream Meadow

Okay, I am not pregnant Pin on emoticons (Operation restricts that) but I am going to make it happen this year. I know I said that round about the same time last year, but I am going to adopt a baby somehow this year. Of course, a few things need to happen too, but I so want to be a mommy.

Dream Meadow

I can’t believe I am back at work! I wake up and dread having to prepare for work and as I walk into the office, I count down the number of hours I have until I can go home. Now I know this is probably how it is always going to be, but I need a new job. Yesterday I applied to a few ads. But I think I need to spruce up my Educational Sessions in my CV… get a few Diplomas under my name or something.

On the Radio this morning, the DJ was speaking about being hustling and doing extra work. And it got me thinking how my monthly salary is not enough to see my household through the month, and there is so much more that I want too. Gonna need to pick up some other form of income too. Need to meet with my financial advisor and possibly invest the money I had secured with him and really look into maybe getting Property Rental Income somehow…last year I did sell my other property so think I should get serious about buying another one.

Dream Meadow

Watched Kat Williams on Deep Dive into Netflix's Recommender System | by David Chong | Towards Data  Science last night, and boy did he have me in hysterics! Of course, there were times when I didn’t get the joke, you know being South African and all and some jokes being about American stuff, but overall, he was a real laugh!

Great America : Unique things in Jacksonville Florida || Katt Williams – YouTube


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January 4, 2023

I hope things with the husband continue on the upward slope!  Sounds like things are going in the right direction!


January 5, 2023


January 4, 2023

I hope you can become a mommy this year…there is nothing like it.  How long do you have to wait before you can get pregnant after the surgery?

January 5, 2023

I need to be protected and not plan any pregnancy for the first year. So, I cannot fall pregnant until December. But I also did have pcos, but I have been overweight and morbidly obese so that may change with weight, but PCOS isn’t just a weight condition, so falling pregnant will be a hassle. And adoption in South Africa apparently can take 2 – 6 years.