
I bought so many cooking sauces and I have no idea what I’m doing.

Nothing really interesting to report.  Having some mixed feelings about my old roomie suddenly wanting to talk to me again now that she’s getting vaccinated.  Like…I tried to reach out to you several times during the pandemic just to talk and you ghosted.  Suddenly now you want back in my life?  Especially after what you said about the quality of people I hang out with? I was in your wedding and dealt with your shitty friends.  Just because they wear suits and play board games doesn’t mean they are any less sus.  In fact, board game couples creep me out.

My ex was all about board games and such, so I would play them with people. but board game couples just kind of creep me out. Like any time someone says “Let’s play Betrayal at House on the Hill” I immediately assume they have no personality.  That game was gifted to my ex and I never found it fun.  Why would you play a co-op board game?  Pandemic is even annoying to play because it involves giving a shit about other people.  Gross.

It snowed yesterday.  It’s April.  Thank goodness I didn’t start more plants.  I don’t need to start more plants.  I just spent $75 on cooking sauces I can’t use yet because I need the other ingredients.  I was not financially responsible with this check.