After Midnight

I can’t regulate right now. I’m slipping into anxiety attack mode and I’m really trying to calm myself.

I hate this. Over 3 years and I am suffering just the same. Wracked with miss placed guilt over not being able to keep Patty happy enough to stay with me. Wracked with guilt that I will never be the father I wanted to be for the boys. Unable to do anything and knowing I have to, to live. I just can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m a joke. I’m no real man. Who would want me? No one has ever regretted leaving me. I hear all the time how after break ups, the one who caused it has come back in some form, whether a crying phone call or a moment of weakness, but never for me. People leave me and burn everything to the ground and salt the earth, so nothing will ever grow again.

OK, I admit it, I suck at money. I never had plan. I’m always behind on stuff. I make stupid impulsive purchases and had barely any savings ever, but I loved with my whole heart. I was honorable and faithful.

It was never good enough. I just want to give up. I’ve reached the point where I can’t keep treading water anymore. I need help, but to get the help on my own is causing so much anxiety and guilt. I should commit myself to a 30 day program,  but I can’t because I have work responsibilities. I feel like I’d be further abandoning my kids. That my absence will causes other people’s life difficulties. I can’t afford to do that, even though I really should. I should have from day one.

I need someone stronger than me in my life, but someone who communicates their issues. It’s all fault. Ever since the day my 1st wife told me she was pregnant, I tried to do the right proper thing, but it wasn’t.  I was blamed for getting her pregnant. I was blamed for the divorce. I was told that I didn’t have to marry her by the same people that told me to take responsibility. I worked the long shitty job like a man should for his family only to watch my family be ripped away and given to another. Twice. I never properly grieved or dealt with things, because I was told to man up and shake them off. But I just never did.

It’s almost 1 in the morning and I am typing this on my phone with tears in my eyes for the 2000th time. I’m not saying someone has to do this for me, but everyone knows I am struggling and not one of them has even lifted a finger to help me at all.

I don’t want to live anymore and I wish that something would just end it. Die in my sleep. A heart attack. Stroke. A plane falling out of the sky on top of me. Something. I just don’t want to live this way. I want what I had back, I did nothing to have everything taken from me.

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May 13, 2022

(((HUG))) Hope you got some sleep. Middle of tbe night anxiety is the worst.

May 13, 2022

What a horrible darkness you’re in. I’ve had nights like that, maybe not as bad, but similar. Not having a handle on money can make your life spiral out of control and when you can’t make ends meet, everybody looks at you like you’re dirt. That doesn’t help one’s self esteem at all. I’ve been there, for sure. The only thing that got us out of it is we took this course, Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University back in 2013. After that we started doing everything he said, like so exactly. We had so much credit card debt back then, we were paying more for credit cards than we were for our mortgage. I couldn’t even sleep nights. Now—the ONLY debt we have is our mortgage because we learned how to get out of it. But it was hard. We had to change the way we did things. It worked for us though. It was like it clicked and we learned to exercise self-discipline because it wasn’t like we had to stop doing everything. It was more like a feeling of we can do some things some time, but we can’t do everything all the time. Any way, if you can find that program offered at some local church, you should do it. It’s so worth it. Honestly, once you have control of your money, so many things seem to drop into place. You sleep better, for one, and once you sleep better, you think better.

May 14, 2022

@heavenssake I’ll look into it. Anything is better than what I’m stuck in now. Thank you