Missed interview

I had an interview today, I missed it. I’m depressed and anxious and well frankly stupid.

Buy that’s the thing with my depression and anxiety, it’s out of control, it’s going to put me out on the street.

Here’s hoping I don’t flake and miss tomorrows interview, at least that’s a phone one and I don’t have to go out in the scary world.

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2 weeks ago

I don’t have any idea how you are feeling. But I do know that landing a job takes precedent over everything else right now. You have the strength to do it. You do, it’s just hiding right now. Find it. A job is your #1 priority. Set a phone/calendar reminder, make the interview, fake your way through it. You can do this, as much as it sucks inside. Fake it and then cry your eyes out when it is done. Land that job so you have the $ to deal with the doctor/depression/anxiety.

2 weeks ago



Yes. What she said, I was coming to say the same thing. i put up in my view a little sign: follow your plan, not your feeling.