Social ramblings from a old, bald, and fat man with BPD part 2

So, maybe I ruffled some feathers yesterday, so here we go again…

White privilege, police, and racial inequality… Really? Do you really think whites all hate blacks? Do blacks hate whites? Is it right to judge a whole group? Is it right to judge one person on the sins of their ancestors?

There is no one on this Earth, who if given the time to think, who can not say they as a race, creed, or religion haven’t been hurt, oppressed, or silenced.

With all the shit I have been through the year and a half I have gone through after the end of my marriage, I could personally find hundreds of people, things, and events that I can say held me down, made me depressed, and cause me to give up. Do you know what people say to me? “Get over it” or “it gets better” or “the only way to overcome it, is to overcome it. No one can do it for you..” But isn’t funny that when it’s a group of people, a whole race of people, that the sentiments of the one or two people, takes on a different answer. We can’t move past it. It has not ever gotten better. Overcome it? We shouldn’t have to, we should just be handed it….

Have you ever noticed that the people who have “put in” the work to “rise up” and become more, do not share the victim mentality? They do not ask to be overlooked for their actions, whether good or bad. The accept the highs and lows, praise and punishment, and don’t sit and use the mistakes of people in the past as an excuse to cover their failings.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

If you truly believe that in today’s world that this is still a problem, then it’s you who has a problem. A few sound bites, over played and over analyzed on 24 hour news channels beating all of us about the same story or cherry picking a story that suits the narrative they push. Yes I blame CNN just as much as FOX.  A political party so hell-bent on hating the other has totally damaged what government is supposed to do. A culture where gangs are glorified in music, television, and movies. Why do you think some people have misconstrued feelings and fears of others.  I’m sorry, but if you were raised in a small town, where you know your neighbors, no matter what they look like, and you find yourself in the “big city” in a sketchy area and you are approached, the first thing you will think won’t be ” hey look, they are selling cookies”. It’s human nature, it’s what everyone’s parent’s have installed them since childhood, “don’t talk to strangers, don’t trust strangers…” Yet, it has become such a convenient way to call someone a racist.

White privilege.  Not sure what this is? I have been ticketed for speeding. I was held accountable for stealing. I have been called out for my negative actions. Here again, we never hear of the thousands of interactions that go normal and nice, but the few that go sideways are beaten into our heads and hearts over and over again and made out to sound like they’re the only ones that happen. Did you ever stop to wonder what may or may not have happened in the “videos” if polite understanding and self control replaced the driver seat lawyers? How should a person think when they have put in the work, hundreds of hours studying and learning, but not get the employment because a quota needs filling? Now, to some I proved the point, but did I? Is there actual proof that this as systematic as we are lead to believe? Maybe there are only a few people of color in a organization, because they deserved to be there? Stay with me here, over the last several years award shows have been constantly accused of not including, but are they supposed to include because something was award worthy or just because?

Here’s where you are really going to lose your shit. Why is it that all other races, colors, and creeds can have heritage days, festivals, and organizations, but… “white” pride is automatically labeled RACIST, whether or not it is?

Let’s touch on the police issue.. Maybe all the people losing their minds and lumping every single policeman and policewoman, no matter what color, into one whole racist group, should take a class, or ride-along with an officer. I remember watching a video on You Tube of a very vocal anti police reporter who was invited to train some with officers. He was placed into a situation that wasn’t so clear cut as the news or BLM would have you believe. Guess what happened? He fired first as the “subject”, while resisting and driver seat lawyering went for something in his trunk. No one, NO ONE has justified what happened to Mr. Floyd, that man, the officer, totally deserves all the punishment that is thrown at him, but on the same day at the same time, there was probably hundreds of officers saving someone, investigating tragic accidents, keeping people safe, and protecting sensitive property. Maybe they were clearing the road for a funeral or calming a domestic argument as another comforts a child effected. The next day, all these good officers were being pelleted with insults, objects, and just plain lies.

to be continued……….  

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July 30, 2020

I think what we have to do is take a good long hard look at those who are our leaders and decide if they are for the people or for themselves.  I know the communist countries leaders are for them selves and so is Trump.  But maybe that is because of his back ground and what his father was.

Whatever happend to “Do unto those who you would want to do to you?

July 30, 2020

White privilege doesn’t mean that as a white person you are exempt from adversity. It just means that, on the whole, adversity is not BECAUSE of your white identity. People can choose not to believe it and maybe just haven’t seen it- but there are disadvantages to being a person of color. There are studies out that show if someone has a more “ethnic” name as opposed to John or Kate, even if they have the same qualifications they are less likely to be hired. Jail sentences tend to be harsher for people of color rather than white people. Even just small details in our society (the fact that in a hotel, the free shampoo is made for Caucasian hair not people of color) show minor slants that society is geared towards white people. Those are just a few examples. And we, as white people do benefit off of this slant-whether we contribute or not. It doesn’t make us bad or racist… it doesn’t mean being you need to be ashamed or guilty of being white. I do try to be aware though and educate myself on issues and advocate where possible, so that I am not a participant beyond being born into a crummy system that perpetuates inequity for some.

I think everyone is biased to some extent, especially based on whatever experiences they may or may not have had… the only thing you can do is gain more experiences and knowledge and see if it changes your opinion. (I’m speaking generally, of course.)

That’s just my 2 cents in a society with a growing change shortage. Lol. I don’t expect you to change your mind on your feelings-you seem pretty sure, but this is where someone else might be at with their reasoning.

August 3, 2020

@thecriticsdarling In a way that’s what I am saying. A good percentage of issues today are just normal human failings and shouldn’t be put on a group because of it. It seams that is what is being done more and more.

Also, “That’s just my 2 cents in a society with a growing change shortage”

I’m going to make that a T shirt and we’ll split the profits…. LOL

August 3, 2020

@newt316 hahaha! do it!

Thank you for listening to me spout my opinions and being respectful. Thank you for sharing yours. Civil discourse is needed these days!