Medical Insurance and Other Things

I have been postponing doing something for three days mostly because I hate making phone calls and I doubleplus hate making phone calls to places where one has to  "press 1 for…" But I really had to call Medicare to get my drug supplement sorted out.

I take four generic medications to help me keep chugging along and I pay a supplemental amount to help cover the cost of these. Of course, since they ARE generic–which is always my choice when I have this choice– I actually have never as yet spent enough on drugs to cover the part I have to pay before the insurance kicks in, but since I am the age that I am, there is definitely a chance that I may some time in the future have to have a drug for which there is no generic. Anyway, I got snail mail from my present insurance provider that I was not covered in North Carolina after the last day of this month. The letter told me to call Medicare for information as to who I could sign up with to remain covered.

So, this morning, I grit my teeth and forced myself to call. I had to go through the various "press this" and "press that" routines and I eventually got to talk to a Real Person. She was VERY helpful and explained everything very clearly. I have, apparently, a couple of choices and she explained what I would pay for each medication I take now.  I told her I wanted this payment NOT  to come from the present account where I have it since I am working on closing that account in Vermont. So, until I say otherwise, the bill will come to me here and I will send them a check. Actually, I will most probably set it up for bill paying from my new account.

I am SO relieved to have this done. I knew it would all turn out to be much easier than I thought it was going to be because, by and large, this almost always happens to me. I worry for days over something I have to do, force myself to do it, and the whole thing turns out to be a doddle!

Goals for today:

  • Put dried laundry away
  • Clean the kitchen floor and the surface areas. {I did much better at this when I had the mouse! }
  • Vacuum and dust everywhere.
  • If I have enough energy, put away the clothes that are piled on a chair in the bedroom. {This chore has been hanging around for a while. If I don’t get it done today, it will be top of tomorrow’s list.}
  • Go out to dinner with Jake this evening. {This is the "Thank you for letting me stay with you" for the time I spent at his house when the flood water damage was being fixed. This means he chooses where we go and I pay!}

In the last week or so, I have heard banging and tapping going on in the apartment above me and yesterday I heard those people move back in. I have heard nothing from the top apartment, the one where it all started, but this might be because these apartments are very well insulated from each other. Before the water debacle, I occasionally heard, but very faintly, the vibration from the washer and drier and the vacuum cleaner from the people who live directly above me.

OK, time to tackle the kitchen…







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June 19, 2013

i dread making those kinds of phone calls, too. they usually turn out to be much less dreadful than i think. i wish i could get into my bedroom and put away my clothes. angela has decided that she’s gonna fold the clothes and lay them out on my bed and then when i can i will put them away. not sure i like this but she is helping me so i’ll let her do it the way she wants. it’ll all end one of these days. and things will be back to normal. take care,

June 19, 2013

I do better at keeping me kitchen countertops clean when we have ants, too…..oh dear, I hope that in saying that I haven’t jinxed myself somehow! Yaaaaaaay for any business-type stuff turning out to be easier than expected! :o) !! hugs, Nicky

June 19, 2013

I am the exact same way about putting off onerous tasks until I am FORCED to do them, and it usually turns out to be, as you say, “a doddle.” I wonder why we do that. I even do it knowing full well that it will turn out to be nothing. Maybe we just like working under pressure. :-/

June 19, 2013

I just wrote a ranty-rant about medical professionals. I wonder what will become of our health system. There’s so much good, but there’s so much red tape.

ryn: lol, yes…I think I’d have to agree that it’s a pretty narrow audience who might enjoy that one, but if you’re part of that group then more power to you! I, sadly, am not. I doubt I’d get through the first 5 pages. 😉

June 19, 2013


June 19, 2013

It is always so nice to have someone explain things in a nice way.Good customer service is rare these days.Your only 79? Your a teenager where I work at.Lola Falana

June 20, 2013

Oh, I dread those calls. And I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that worries them into bigness before actually tackling them. Gah. But so glad you got it all sorted. I tihnk I will borrow your goal list. Well, except for the dinner with Jake part. 🙂

I hate making those kinds of calls. I usually end up not knowing which number I need to push, so I just push one randomly and hope for the best. Glad you got it all sorted out:)

June 21, 2013

I get very nervous when it comes to having to make phone calls. It is insane, and usually I make a mountain out of a mole hill. I’m glad it went better than you had expected it to! 🙂