
<—What I think is an interesting article copied-and-pasted back that way!

  • I know the rest of the world has known about it for many years but *I* have just discovered Bluetooth and the pleasures of listening to my music while wandering about doing things in this apartment and not being tethered to my computer!  I bought a pair of earphones {on Amazon, of course!} and Jake set them up and showed me how they work on Friday after we came back from eating out. I have been wandering about this morning singing and harmonizing while I worked. Singing lifts my spirits and helps me to not sit around feeling sorry for myself! I can do simple very basic harmony with pretty well anything I can sing and it is something I enjoy doing. As I write this, I am listening to a playlist of the King’s Singers.
  • I am slowly working on putting away stuff which had already put away before the water came dripping down into my apartment. I am doing it slowly because I am actually very resentful it has to be done again. Yes, I know. NOT a good attitude but that is what I feel. 
  • Today when I have not been wandering around singing and putting stuff on various shelves, I have been reading. Specifically, I have been reading Courting Greta by Ramsey Hootman. It isn’t anywhere like what I usually read. It is one of those books in which the characters take over my thoughts. I don’t know how it is going to end but what I DO know is that I will be thinking of these characters long after I have finished this book. Highly recommended…








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I understand how the resentment makes you resist doing the tasks. I used to do housework to Abba music because it uplifted me and somehow put me in the mood for cleaning. I’m so glad you found a way to carry the music with you around the apartment. Movement keeps things circulating better.

June 22, 2013

Instead of feeling resentful, how about thinking of it as a blessing? It gives you the opportunity to put things back, maybe in a better place than before. Gives you the opportunity to dance around the apartment with your new headphones. Kind of a physical therapy. Gives you a goal to strive for so that you don’t get bored and depressed.

June 22, 2013

yep, when a book makes you think about the characters it’s usually a pretty good book. music is good. it changes moods and attitudes. take care,

June 23, 2013

Music has helped me through so much. Delighted you found Bluetooth! You take care.

June 23, 2013

Never beat yourself up for your feelings — they’re feelings and we haven’t any control over them. But we can control how we react to them. I’d be pretty darn resentful too in your situation.

June 23, 2013
