Doughnuts, Coffee, And The Silent Treatment

As per my usual, I left the house just before 430am. This morning though, I was on a mission. Christina had asked me to do her a favor and pick up four dozen mixed doughnuts and bring them to the office. This is one of the many menial tasks that she’ll ask me to do from time to time. I figure it would give me an extra 15 minutes of overtime, so why not? I’m already awake anyway and I’d be going in that direction anyway.

I traveled to one of the local area doughnut shops, specifically the one I used to frequent regularly prior to 2020, before the COVID-19 shutdown and even before I was formally diagnosed with type II diabetes. Years ago, I used to frequent that doughnut shop every other week, when I used to bring in a dozen or even two dozen doughnuts to the office on alternating Fridays. I used to eat no fewer than two doughnuts from the 24 that I had bought. Even now as a diabetic, I still partake in the occasional doughnut. Back then, I was a fiend. Now, because of the medication that I’m on, doughnuts have since lost their appeal. The doughnut shop, for the most part, looked the same as it did years ago. They still had all the COVID-19 plexiglass barriers up too. The owner of the place, or at least the elderly man I believed was the owner, wasn’t there this morning like he seemingly used to be every time I would go there. I truly wonder if he had passed away within the last five years. He seemed like a good guy. Friendly. Always talking to his customers as they came in.

Then I was subjected to having to deal with one of the local Starbucks spots, which I absolutely loathe. It’s not just that particular location either. I dislike Starbucks in general. I’ve never been into Starbucks, being that I don’t drink coffee all that often and I’ve never understood the appeal of Starbucks. I don’t get it and I’m not looking to get it. It’s just one of those businesses that is just there and one that I never have any intention of frequenting. In those instances where I might drink coffee, I’ll just bring it from home. Iced coffee with International delight’s Sweet & Creamy creamer. Very simple and tastes good every time. Save myself the money, as well as the aggravation of battling a Starbucks drive thru. Besides, just because I have the money doesn’t mean I ought to spend it frivolously and on dumb shit. In the end, I picked up three Coffee Travelers, which weren’t ready even though the order had been placed the day before. Way to be efficient, Starbucks.

So once the doughnuts and coffee were arranged and prepared for everyone to help themselves to, it was my understanding that everything went pretty quickly. I think the estimate I was given was that nearly everything was gone within 20 minutes. I suppose that would make the whole coffee and doughnut thing a success. Then again, there’s well over 100 people in that office, so you would think that three dozen doughnuts and 192 ounces of coffee (Christina took one of those dozens and one of the Coffee Travelers to the other office) would go fast. It all did.

Otherwise, work was work. Annette was helping me with a special project and as always, she was very attentive and helpful. I must have stopped by her office a good half dozen times today, not only to receive guidance, but also to escape the arid conditions at my desk. 80 degrees again after 2pm and all the way until 5:45pm when I left. Apparently, that’s not going to be fixed…ever.

Interestingly, Annette had encouraged me to stop by “her” cubicle before I ventured back to my desk on the other side of the office. Annette insists on referring to her as “your girl”, but that’s only because she doesn’t know the reality yet. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that we really aren’t on speaking terms anymore and that we really aren’t as connected as we used to be. One day, I’ll tell Annette, but for the time being, I won’t say anything. I didn’t feel like getting into that conversation at that moment. All in due time, I suppose. Eventually, I’ll let her know so that she can finally stop referring to her as “my girl”.

This was going to be a separate entry, but I’ll just jot down what I’m thinking about that situation right here. Since we last conversed last Wednesday (01/08), I sent her a total of seven text messages. As of this writing and in the now eight days that have gone by, I have not received a single response to any one of those text messages. That kind of lack of action is very telling. I know what that means. I’m not stupid. Best friend, huh?  I doubt it.

Gloria left early today. She had some pain in her side and she didn’t feel like sticking around beyond 2pm. Even without that kind of pain, I wouldn’t have wanted to stay either. I helped her with her bag and saw her off. She’ll be back next week, though I know that I can always text her. At least, she’s responsive to text messages.

Christina spent her day at the office that’s 60 miles away. I didn’t join her. Besides, I’ll be back in that office next week. She still owes me for those damn doughnuts from this morning. I hope to collect soon. I didn’t realize how expensive a dozen doughnuts runs these days, much less four dozen. The doughnuts ran me just under $80. Should I be impressed by my reluctance to take a doughnut or two this morning? I could, but in the end, I know that it was the medication that was responsible for that decision. It definitely wasn’t impulse control. Truly, it was a lack of appetite. I ate my protein bar at 5:15am and was satiated for nearly six hours. I seem to get a lot of mileage out of those protein bars.

The day is nearly over. I figure I’ll be asleep within the next three hours and then, I’ll be back at it again tomorrow morning. It’ll be early all right, though not even close to being bright. I didn’t intend for that to rhyme, by the way.

I’m not anticipating seeing or consuming any doughnuts tomorrow.

I’m not anticipating having any interaction with my so-called best friend tomorrow either. Gloria and Annette are both off tomorrow, so it’ll just be me and Christina to take on the collective stupidity of the office.

Seems like of late, there’s been an endless supply of stupidity to go around in that office.

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January 17, 2025

There’s ALWAYS an endless supply of stupidity . . .