Just For The Sake Of Writing

I wanted to write a little something before I go to bed. I just don’t know where to start. I’m thinking this is going to be one of those entries that is disorganized, though coherent. It will make sense. It just might end up going in different directions. Oh well. Here goes.

My 8-year old kitty went to the vet today. It was one of those visits that was made on an emergency basis and the vet happened to have an opening for today. The kitty had dropped a couple pounds since her last visit well over a year ago and she was apparently dehydrated. The vet decided to keep her overnight for fluids and to draw blood and urine samples to be sent to a lab for further evaluation. I am optimistic, though very much aware of what could happen. Even as I write this, I am hopeful.

I didn’t tell more than a handful of people about the kitty, because I tend to be a private person and don’t always look to tell others about what’s going on in my life. Christina and Gloria sent their warm wishes and regards, which made me feel good. I didn’t expect either of them to say anything about what was going on. It was at least a thoughtful demonstration that they cared and were thinking about me and my situation at the time. They’re both good people truthfully and I’m glad that they are part of my personal circle. Sadly, I have other friends who couldn’t have been bothered to chime in, not even so much about the cat ordeal, but in general. One might even think that their so-called best friend might have said hello today, but that didn’t happen. I need not hold my breath, that’s for sure. That’s a title that I’m thinking she no longer deserves, because she does not act the way a friend should, not even a best friend, but a friend in general. Still, and as I’ve learned, there’s no reason to complain about it because absolutely nothing is going to change, as far that situation goes. Absolutely nothing. I shouldn’t even bother.

Los Angeles is on fire apparently and not in that “NBA Jam” kinda way. Like land and property are burning and all kinds of mayhem is ensuing. I didn’t realize that until last night. Shows how much I know about local news and the goings-on in the vicinity.

Some of the nearby communities are without electricity tonight. I believe these communities have been without power since early yesterday. Makes me want to consider buying a power generator in the event that I lose electricity one day. Maybe. It’s not a priority, I’ll say that much, but a generator would be a good thing to own.

Assassin’s Creed – Shadows is being delayed by about a month. I don’t care. I’m not buying it. The characters and the whole storyline of that game are completely retarded and “Shadows” just isn’t a game that I’m looking forward to playing. They’d have to make some drastic changes to the game in order for me to give it a second look. Until then, I don’t care. I’ll spend my money elsewhere.

I’m getting a haircut tomorrow. For much of the past two years or so, I’ve been getting haircuts every four to five weeks. Prior to 2023, I used to go about six to eight weeks in between haircuts. I figure that the shorter I keep my hair, the less I have to do with it on a daily basis and I guess I’m willing to pay more frequently for that privilege.

My eyes are drying out again, which is usually a sign that it’s about that time for me to call it a day and get to bed. I’m looking to write more this coming weekend, as I try to do most weekends.

I just wanted to jot down some ideas and I think I’ve done just that. I’ll definitely write more later, because I have a lot of things on my mind. I just need to organize myself and put some paragraphs together.

All in due time…

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My advice is to buy a generator. I’m somewhat of a doomsday prepper but having a generator can come in handy in several different situations.

@deepestthoughtsofalonelywoman I’ve been casually looking into getting a generator.  It’s on my list of things I should buy in 2025.