Seldom Said, But Always Felt

To my dearest Serena,

You probably don’t realize this, but you truly made my day yesterday. As I’ve told you time and time again, I always enjoy the time that we spend together. There’s just something special and downright magical that happens whenever we’re together. Often, I struggle to put those feelings into words, though still, I try. You bring a certain warmth to my heart, one that eventually radiates throughout my entire body. It’s as though the thought of you, coupled with your mere presence, sends me into this natural and unfathomable high, one from which I hope never to come down. And it’s not just me. It’s the way that you and I interact with each other and it doesn’t even have to entail any spoken communication between us. It’s the way that we unknowingly gaze into each other’s eyes, as if we are somehow trying to stare deeply into the other’s soul. It’s those seemingly random smiles that look like they come from nowhere, even though the feelings from within make it abundantly clear why those happen when and the way they do.

I know that I don’t tell you this enough and I accept full responsibility for that. You make me feel so good inside, like all is right with the world when we’re next to each other. I long for those moments, be it short or extended, when we can be together and just enjoy each other’s company. I just can’t wait to be with you. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing. As long as we’re together, I know that I’ll be content.

You are that ray of sunshine in my, at times, dark and desolate world. You bring to me a brilliance that I normally would look to prevent from entering my immediate circle. You know that I tend to prefer being alone and keeping to myself, but when it comes to you, I don’t want to be without you. Somehow, you have managed to find a way into my world, etching yourself into my heart, and making yourself a presence in my life, as though you have belonged there with me all along. Maybe I was helpless to it, but in the end, I just couldn’t fight it. I couldn’t resist and truth be told, I find you to be absolutely irresistible.

Thank you for being there and for being the kind of person who adds so much more meaning to my life.


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