The Sun Sets

I worked again this weekend. That’s nothing new. Again, that’s just my normal. Things have gotten a little busy at work these last few weeks and even more so since the middle of December. Regardless of how hectic things might become in the office, I don’t sweat it because that sort of thing is going to happen from time to time. That’s just the way it is. I always seem to take it in stride though. I have to. I can’t complain about it when the going gets tough. I have to do my best to keep it pushing and I want to say that I do a commendable job at it. At the end of the day, it’s all business as usual. With the holidays firmly behind us, things are going to return to normal as soon as tomorrow. Finally.

Even with everything that might be going on in my professional life, I still managed to sneak in some time for relaxation, as that picture above might suggest. That is a picture of the sun setting along the Pacific Ocean. I want to make it clear that the boat I was on does not belong to me, being that I don’t own a boat and have no desire to own a boat. I don’t swim, but I don’t mind spending time on the water every now and then. I don’t know when I’ll be back on the water again, but I imagine that it’ll happen soon enough.

I didn’t do too much gaming this weekend, or even during the past week. I don’t even try to explain why anymore. Sometimes I play. Sometimes I don’t. So far, as we are still fresh into 2025, I don’t foresee any new releases for the month of January that I’d consider to be must-buys. Again, gaming remains slow in my neck of the woods. Maybe something releases in February that’s worth buying? We shall see.

I just remembered this, as the air around me happens to be surrounded by the sounds of the oldies, “lowrider oldies” to some. Musician Brenton Wood died on Friday (01/03/25) at age 83. Natural causes, I’m hearing. I wasn’t a huge fan of his, but I will admit that I liked his music. He was yet another one of those classic acts from the 1960’s and 1970’s, whose sound could never be re-created today. As I’ve said many times before, music today is just flat-out bad. This is why I will forever live amongst the oldies. Brenton Wood just happens to be one of the residents there. The song above, “Me And You”, which released in 1967, would have been so much better had he not talked over the beat as much as he does. The song is decent enough, but I think it could’ve been a lot better than it was. But as it stands, it’s not a bad song. It’s short, sweet, and oh so very simple. Again, a timeless classic, both the song and of course, Mr. Wood. May he rest in peace.

That’s all I have for now.

In about an hour, I’ll be headed to sleep, ready and waiting to see what the coming week has in store. I anticipate more stupidity and everything that comes with it, especially in the workplace.

Yes, this would be my normal. I love it.

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2 weeks ago

I just played some of his music. I’ve heard “Oogum Boogum” many times, but never associated with someone named Brenton Wood, even though I grew up listening to music during the 60’s and 70’s. What a smooth and expansive voice he had! Thanks.