Transitions At Work

I don’t have much going on of late, beyond work, I suppose. 

Serena and I spent the day together.  We handled business and had a fun time doing it.  As much as we might want to deny it sometimes, we truly work well together and the dynamic that we have created is remarkable.  It feels so good to be so in synch with someone that even I struggle with coming up with the right words to fully describe it.  She made my day today and I made it a point to tell her that.  I’m hoping that we can spend more time together during our workday, but we’ll just have to see how that goes.  She knows that I’m always open to it.  Today was merely another example of how well we work together and of how much we enjoy each other’s company.      

So, it looks like Kim is going to be moving to another office, as she apparently accepted a promotion that she really wasn’t pursuing.  She just wanted to leave our office.  For the past few years, she had grown tired of the environment of the office.  She hated the politics there, the people, and at times, even the work itself.  She was looking for a change of scenery.  Oh, she’s going to get that change of scenery, but I don’t know if the grass is greener on the other side of that proverbial fence.  She’s going to be doing an entirely different job, one that I don’t know if she will mesh well with.  I don’t know if she’ll adjust well to this change, but I guess in the end, only time will tell.  Christina and I are thinking that she’ll be back in our office within a few months, as she will have effectively given up on the work transition, because she will either struggle with it and refuse to do it or because she will become fed up and irritated with the people over in her new office.  Indeed, we shall see how she fares.  From where I’m sitting, the outlook there is grim.  Call me pessimistic. 

I continue to go into the office at 4:45am.  I’m still very behind with all the work that I have to do, but I’m trying.  With Kim gone, this will limit the number of distractions she will cause during the day.  She had a tendency to stop by my cubicle multiple times a day, if for no other reason, than just to vent.  These stops would also occur on the Saturdays that I would work.  So, with her departure, maybe I’ll be able to develop some of the focus that I had been lacking with all her frequent distractions.  One can only hope. 

Tomorrow also happens to be payday.  I suppose that’s a plus.        

I thought I had more to write about work, but I guess I overestimated the amount of content I had.  In my head, I thought there was a lot there.  Apparently, I was wrong. 

Well, having said that, that’s all I have for now. 

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