Ethan’s Dinosaur Tales 2

For the last few months, Ethan and I have been working on our second children’s book. Ethan loved making the first one so much… he was dying to do make a sequel as soon as possible. The first one hasn’t exactly been selling like hotcakes on Smashwords, but all it takes is time, talent and patience to make more books, both which are in great supply here. When Ethan came over this weekend for an extra day, we spend a good chunk of our one on one time to work on the book, and we finiehed it yesterday morning before I took Ethan back to his mom’s place.

Here is the cover to the new book Ethan and I finished over the weekend.

Looks pretty cool, eh?

So this afternoon, I checked it over one last time before posting the story online for sale. It’s not available at Smashwords for a pretty reasonable price. It’s available to download at Smashwords for all tablets, so if you have an I-pad, Kindle or anything else… or even if you just want a PDF to check out on any computer, it’s now for sale. There will not be any print versions of Ethan’s books until I can find an online distributor that will provide colour pictures for it, cause it’s a kids book and the pictures would look better in colour.

Here are some links if you are interested in possibly buying the books Ethan and I have made together:


The best part about making these books was a conversation I had with Ethan while he was making the coverpage. I asked him what he wants to do with any money these books make should we manage to sell a few copies. Like most kids, Ethan was open to the idea of getting some new toys. I asked him if he was going to spend it all on toys or if there was anything else he wanted to do with the money. Ethan looked back up at me and asked if we could donate some of it to charity like we had last year. I cannot tell you how proud I am to hear my little guy say things like that, especially since he’s only nine. Ethan sold some paintings last year, raising over $100 for charity. We donated the funds to ‘Feed the Children Canada’ which is a foundation that supplies nations in Africa with food and supplies.

Right now Ethan is at a stage in his life where money doesn’t mean that much to him right now. He’s dying to write a third dinosaur book just for the sake of making another book. When he comes over for the March break next month, we’re going to start making a third children’s book together. I hope making that book will be just as fun as the first two.

Like I said above, money isn’t everything. If you are able to purchase a copy and donate to Ethan’s toy fund… it’s much appreciated but I know as well as anyone else how tough times are. If you can’t afford to buy a copy but still want to read Ethan’s book to your kids, give me your email in a private note and I will send a free eletronic copy of both books for the e-reader of your choice.

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday, and thanks in advance to everyone for their support!


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February 19, 2013

Great, good to see your son is inspired by what you do!

RYN: how funny! I never even thought about cars. In my mind, I started with models but was thinking prostitutes before it was over, so I added little things that leaned toward that (I thought!). 🙂

February 19, 2013

I plan to get both of them soon.

February 20, 2013

what a great gift to give your son, your time, wonderful memories and such a great learning experience, very awesome!!