I’ve met someone…

Last Friday I went on a date. I met a very nice woman at a downtown pub that I used to do stand up at many years ago. I had been communicating with this person online for a few weeks, getting to know her. The kids had just left for their three week trip to Newfoundland, so I didn’t have a reason to stay home and wallow. So when she asked me out, I accepted because I did like her and wanted to meet her.

I actually almost cancelled the first date, because just two days earlier I had that pulmonary biopsy that was super painful and had me lying in bed for quite a while. I was feeling a lot better by Friday, so I sucked it up and went anyway. I didn’t regret the decision as myself and the lovely lady had a drink, ordered some nachos, and talked in the pub for over four hours! It felt good to get out and just talk to someone new like that. Despite how I was still feeling from the biopsy, good times were had by all and we agreed to do a second date.

Later on today is going to be that second date, 7 days after the first. I was again hesitant to go on this date too because my funding is a little low. The guilty party again is the biopsy, as I didn’t work much at all last week. This makes the blame mine, because I really didn’t understand what an undertaking that procedure was going to be. Turns out the lady in question wanted to do something different for date #2. I am invited over for dinner at her place… as she wants to cook something for me, and then maybe watch a classic move on TV later on.

I like classic movies, so no arm twisting was needed nor required.

I’ve got a good feeling about this lady. This might be the beginning of something interesting.

I’d knock on wood, but I’m not superstitious.

What I’m trying to say is I see potential here, so let’s see how well our second date goes tonight.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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July 12, 2019

Maybe the third date should be at your place?  I bet you are an awesome cook.

July 12, 2019

Good luck! I hope the date goes great 🙂

July 12, 2019

I hope it is a wonderful date!

July 23, 2019

I hope it went well