The Artwork of Ethan…

Ethan has been doing a lot of drawing at the table with his crayons and the little guy has a bit of talent. Check these out:

(A picture of a cat, with the word spelled right beside it…)

(Ethan said this is a giraffe eating from a tree.)

(Ethan said this was a picture of ‘healthy foods’)

(Not sure what this is, but a person…)

(That purple thing is an octopus)

(This is a picture of two chickens…)

(Really cool picture of a fish.)

(Ethan has a future in political cartoons. Who does this look like??)

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the two chickens and the fish are actually brilliant.

October 3, 2008

those are great pictures!

October 3, 2008

very cute! my personal favorite is the giraffe. 😀

October 4, 2008

Good stuff

October 5, 2008

🙂 The octopus and healthy foods pictures are my favorites. Yep, lots of talent in those little fingers.

October 5, 2008

LOVE love love the fish!!! =;p

October 6, 2008

I love the fish; that’s really good. The proportion of the different parts is especially good for someone of Ethan’s age, I think.

October 6, 2008

Those are adorable!!!!

Ethan is a good artist. And health conscious, too,