Theme Of the Week 7-12

I had more fun doing these themes in bunches rather than one at a time, so I’m going to do it again since it’s been six themes since the last time I replied. So here are my answers for TOTW 7-12:

7. Which of your values do you value the most?

Despite how awkwardly worded this is, I will do my best to answer it. I have a value that I’ve stuck to that’s pretty straight forward. I try to see the best in people, and I’ll be nice to everyone until I’m given a reason not to be. So if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. It’s pretty simple… don’t be a douche bag, and I won’t have to be a douche bag back at ya. This is beneficial to all involved cause I’m much better at being a douche than most.

8. Do you believe in soulmates?

This is a complicated question, and this answer would vary depending on when you asked me. If you read the previous answer, it would be safe to assume that my answer would be loud, thunderous no. The person who I thought was my soulmate ended up breaking my heart, and I’m still recovering. Right now the concept of a soulmate is foreign to me, but I’ll let you know if I ever bump into one. Until that happens, I appear to be on the negatory side of the question.

9. What would you be an activist for?

Right now I am an activist for my atheism. The right to reject religion without being shamed, discriminated or shunned by society who seems to think that we’re all supposed to subscribe to a higher being. I’ve attended rallies, debates, lectures and even written books about how I feel regarding this subject. While I respect a person’s right to religion, my wish is that those same people respect someone’s right to reject religion as well. None of the above is an option, and is the current choice I make regarding religion in general.

10. If you could create a character in your favorite book or film story, what would you be? What would you do?

As a writer, I’m a tad offended by this question. If I have a favorite book or film, why would I want to change it? I can see what this question is trying to ask but the wording of it is all wrong. I think it’s trying to ask what book/film world would you like to live in and why? That’s a little less complicated, but my answer to that is no where. I read these stories to be taken away, but I don’t exactly want to visit them or live there. I’m content working with the world I have right now, regardless of how fucked up it looks right now.

11. If you could change one choice you made in your life, what would it be?

This is a much more interesting question, but again I’m not going to take the bait. Every decision I ever made, and that includes every failure or success that came with them are what made me the man I am today. My mistakes define me just as much as the right decisions I made, so I’m not going to quibble over split milk. There’s no future living in the past. Own your decisions and take those lessons when moving forward. I don’t want to fight with my ghosts, as I prefer to live with who I am, not who I could have been.

12. Share your favorite dish or food growing up.

I don’t want to sound mean here, but I didn’t have a favorite dish growing up. My mom and dad worked some insane hours, to the point where most evening meals sometimes didn’t happen until as late as 7pm. When that happened, something was just whipped together as quickly as possible. Most the memories of eating at home are negative, which is unfortunate. This was an experience that I did not want to pass onto my own children. When I was in college, I took a little extra time and effort to attend a few cooking courses. I took some private lesson when I was living in Asia in exchange for free English lessons. I made sure that whenever I became a parent that I’d be ready to tackle the kitchen with more dedication and confidence. That’s the best one can do given the situation but I harbor no ill will. It inspired me to do better and I like to think that I have.



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