This slacking has got to stop…

Man, January is gone! Where the hell did that go?

We are already into the Hallmark month of Love, and the year as we know it 2019 is already slipping through our fingers.

I love this site, but I am rather sickened by how much I’ve been neglecting it lately. I want to write more, but I’ve been struggling with all of my writing, not just the stuff here on the diary.

Sometimes I get ahead of myself, and try to do too much and end up doing nothing. Over the next few weeks, I need to organize and move forward rather than spinning my wheels in place.

I need to organize my time, and just get things done. I know I keep promising this, but I’ll also make time for more entries here on OD. I honestly think keeping that promise will in turn help build momentum that will help with other writings. I have a lot of projects to do, so that’s it for now.

Things are well, the boys are okay and we’re already a month into the new year!

Take care, and I’ll be around.


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February 8, 2019

I do look for you everyday and wonder how you are doing…when you don’t write here I do miss you something horrible…..  What ever happened to your idea of the education thing on Mondays?  A different topic every week?  I think that is a great idea.

February 8, 2019

@jaythesmartone I agree, so I will make an effort this Monday!

February 8, 2019

I agree……January was a long year.  😂

February 9, 2019

I’m sure you’ve had a routine in the past that kept you on track.  Try  to do things in the same way you did them when you were being successful.  Take care!

February 25, 2019

I need to do the same! please keep on writing about how you go about organizing yourself etc so you can motivate me too