Religion or is it a cult??

I grew up going to church every Sunday and even go Baptized in the Baptist church, but it didn’t last long before I noticed things were not quite right. Of course I was about 5-6 at the time so I had no idea what a cult was but I did notice things where off. I loved greek mythology and still do but one day in bible school the teacher was talking about Lucifer’s decent to hell and I noticed how similar it was to the greek myth of Zeus and Hades and told the teacher. She flipped out and told me that it was wrong to go against the word of god yahdada and asked me to leave the class. After that the other kids avoided me as if my evil or whatever would rub off on them. It only go worse when some girls where playing with some barbies and of course they didn’t have any Ken dolls so they where having to barbies kiss and another girl said ewww two girls can’t kiss just like two boys can’t kiss. I said why not? She couldn’t give me an good answer only to say my mommy and daddy said so. When I said I don’t see anything wrong with it if two people love each other why shouldn’t they be able to show each other? The next Sunday none of the kids would play with me because some told their parents what I said and they go on the phone with other parents and the end result was none of kids were allowed to play or talk to me. I didn’t know it at the time but that is a form of shunning. When any religion shuns or excommunicates members because they have different beliefs its no long a religion but a cult. If you church is telling you how to vote, how to believe or to fear science other beliefs then its a cult.
At 7 yr old I told my mom I no longer wished to attend church and she was fine with thankfully and didn’t force me to go. Later in my teens I found Wicca and it all clicked for me its more in line with my beliefs and I don’t have someone tell me no you must worship or believe this or that. Everyone has different beliefs or worships differently so it more of a be true to you if you don’t feel comfortable with doing something don’t do it. If it feels more right to cast a circle with a different invoking spell than others that’s fine. You only do light works that’s fine or you only do the darker side that is fine do it at your own risk all I ask is to know the risk before hand. Or you do more of grey work a good balance of light and dark you do you.
I am not trying to bash Christians or Christianity you do you I just find a lot of the beliefs contradicting or plain illogical and some down right laughable. But that is just me also you can believe what you want just don’t for it on others that is when I will get pissy with you. I don’t go around or door to do trying to preach to you or telling you that you are going to burn in hell and need Jesus so don’t it to me. Well first off I don’t believe in heaven or hell or the devil or god ( sky daddy) so if you tell me I am going to hell I will either laugh at you or say thank you have a blessed day, unless I am in a bad mood then I might tell you in a not so polite way to get lost.
I grew up in a small down in the bible belt it was not fun for me. I got told I was going to go hell or that I needed Jesus about ten times a week. I wear all black yikes she is a devil worshiper must tell her she is going to hell, I had one lady tell me you need to stop worshiping Satan and worship god before you end up in hell. I found this notion funny and told her as much I was a Satan worshiper then wouldn’t that be my ultimate goal to burn in hell. She didn’t know what to say to that she crossed her self as I walked away. Or the old man who kept harassing me saying I was dammed to hell because He over heard me make a joke about Christianity. Then he said sarcastically what are you a witch and I said as a matter of fact I am. He kept harassing me and I had my quota of bullshit to put up all full so I said to him may your sauce never stick to your pasta. He stopped in mid sentence and said to his wife who just happened to walk up this witch just cursed me. She eyed me before both scampered off. To this day I still wonder if they ever made pasta and the sauce didn’t stick if they lost their shit or not.

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July 16, 2021

I think the line between the two can be very thin. I grew up in a religion (Mormon) that I consider to be a cult now. Not everyone feels this way. I can only go based off my experience and what I know.

It is good that you found something that fits what you were looking for.

July 16, 2021

@heffay yes it is and I hope you found the same

July 16, 2021

I am a Jew interested in Wicca. I can be both (Kabbalah)… if I wanted to.

July 16, 2021

@kartoffeltorte I know a woman who was raised Jewish and is now wiccan or pagan but she still hold to Jewish traditions I also know a few Wiccan christians as well that is what I love about paganism or wicca you make it your own.