Country Apple

What to write about when you are happy? That’s the question, isn’t it? On the way home, it was said to me that humans just want to be miserable and destroy others happiness. I refuse to accept that. I think if we all take our time and live our truest selves then maybe the world can be a little brighter. I’m not going to rake someone over coals just because they like The Jonas Brothers or Twilight or Monster Trucks. Just because I don’t find them appealing doesn’t mean someone out there doesn’t. Why do we need to be mean? Why can’t we all just accept that some of us enjoy Hello Kitty or the blue? I refuse to be that person and I refuse to hide who I am away just so I can conform to someone’s ideas of self.

Self is different for each of us and we need to learn to be okay with that. Maybe the world would be a little bit brighter if we did. Maybe I’m naive for refusing to accept anything less than decency? If that’s the case then I chose to be naive any day of the week. Because the world isn’t going to change overnight and if we don’t be the change we want everything will stay the same. So I’m going to keep moving forward and not buy into the hype of conformity.

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