Anothers kiss


I kissed a boy today. His name was not Craig. He  didn’t have blond hair,  He didn’t have blue eyes.
He didn’t have the same build as Craig, or the same personality.

I wish he did very, very much. But at the same time, am glad that there is another man that want to
kiss me, that want to touch me.
i loved the way you love me, but i hate the way im supposed to love you back. This whole experiance
has made me depressed because, I realize, I liked the kiss, and I wouldn’t mind kissing that man again.

I so full of sorrow, the lost of Craig. I fell like I’m cheating on him. Maybe cause I’m not over him just
yet. His passing, just killed me. I want to live again, I want to feel again.
I think it’s time. But is it to soon?

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