Today Was A Complete Disaster…

I crashed today during band. No one could figure out what the hell was wrong with me!! I almost fainted walking out of the band room today and Stacey had to practically CARRY me to the gates! I was talking to myself again…<—is a weirdo…grrrrrrr. I hate being by myself…unless its when I am by myself at home…then I like to draw stress from my body by just relaxing…Word of the Day is JUBJUB BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! Hey, and I think Jamie likes Nathan!


Luvz–Lil Depressed Dolly..

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gracias por la nota. thanx for the note. i see u can speak French. I can a litttttttle but I know a lot of Spanish though. Visit me again. C ya!!! :o) [choco_bunny]B164200

aaww… babes why did you almost faint?? you might hate you but I lu ya lik a sis [Red__Tears]B159502