Happy Wednesday

It’s not a rainy day, but it is overcast. A bit dreary. Every once in a while the sun pops out for a few moments before it’s covered by clouds again. I only went out to get groceries. I just finished writing a letter to a friend. I still get great pleasure handwriting letters rather than using email. It is so therapeutic for me. Also I still feel it is more private and confidential than email or anything we put online.  And I really enjoy getting letters in the mail. They are very few and far between these days as most people prefer email and social media.


Old School


Old school

or old fashioned

they call taking

paper and pen

and handwriting a letter.

It was personal

as though talking to

someone seated next to you.

Also private,

a whisper shared

between two people,

unheard by anyone else.

Today there is email,


you tube,

twitter, texting

and social media.

Personal to a point,

but privacy is an illusion.

Hundreds even thousands

can access what’s online.

Hackers troll cyberspace

as though strolling

through a vegetable garden

with a basket,

harvesting tomatoes,

green peppers,

an eggplant,


birthdates, credit card numbers,


used to scam and steal.

I’ll stick with pen and paper.

Log in to write a note