Lovely Day

It has been a really nice day. Early this morning I went to a nearby park and walked for awhile. It was cool and there was a slight breeze blowing. The sun was warm ,but the cool breeze offset that. It was so peaceful out there. I really enjoyed myself. This past hour I have been shopping on Amazon. Bought a book and some mixing bowls. I already have some bowls. I have some glass bowls with lids and a set of vintage pyrex bowls . The largest of these broke a couple of weeks ago. It absolutely shattered. I had that at least 10 years or longer. The bowls I just ordered are stainless steel with silicon on the bottom so they don’t slide when you trying to stir something in them.  I’m of the opinion that you can’t have too many bowls.  I’ve been thinking that even though the newspaper is filled with Covid stories and talking about schools opening or not opening, about how small business owners have been hurt, the CDC yelling at all of collectively and telling us to wear masks, etc., I feel a lot of hope about life. We will eventually move past all of this. Things will get better.


I reach

for a hand

that isn’t there.

I yearn

for that touch.

In memories

I recall


and  handshakes.


the warmth,

the comfort

they give.

This  temporary isolation,

the Pandemic

won’t last forever.

But we must


behind our masks.

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