Saturday Afternoon

Hello. I did something today that almost never do. I slept in. Usually I’m awake at 6 o’clock and eat breakfast sometime between 7 and 8 o’clock. It was 10 o’clock when I got up today. I want to thank Domestic Dreamer(Did I get that right?) for the comment on my first entry. If I had nice hair that was straight and hung nicely I wouldn’t be concerned about not getting it done. My hair is thick and bushy and doesn’t look nice long. I did my grocery shopping today. It is overcast again. I hope the sun will be out tomorrow. I retired a few months ago. Unfortunately the local senior centers are still closed due to the Pandemic.  The Parish Center at my Church is still closed as well. They started having public Masses again, but there are a lot of restrictions and don’t feel comfortable being around a lot of other people right now. I guess I’ll have to be patient. I have a friend who wants to change her name. Actually she wants to go back to a nickname she had when she was younger. I don’t understand why she wants to do this. Hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

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