Wish You Were Here


Back when *CA* and I were married, we would sit and listen to great music and just be… together. Also living in LA as we were from 1979 to 1981, brought amazing music to our back yard. We attended so many music festivals, concerts, etc.
Music has always been in my life in a profound way (to me at least) and I remember getting a record player and non-kids music at age 6.It is the way I express and process emotions.
*CA* knows this very well. Since we have reconnected she started to title a lot of the emails with song titles from music from “our time.” I shortly picked up the habit also.
We also have “attended together” Live stream concerts of bands/artists that she likes and both had a great time. We each paid for our own ticket and chatted during the concert. It was almost like being together again. It also hurts sometimes.

So what did I do yesterday? I sent her an email to  invite her to attend a Live Stream event of Avi Kaplan and I told her I wanted to pay for both tickets if she would let me. I expected that the chance was she would agree to attend but insist on paying for her own ticket.
I was pleasantly surprised and pleased when she replied agreeing to go, and thanking me for thinking of her.
So here I am worrying one day if this is healthy, to asking her out on a “date” the next.   No, really not a date, but it does kind of feel like one.

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