Hello World <3

Hello Open Diary, if you are new here, my name is Ripley!

This was originally my moms account for me from when I was a baby so any posts before this were written by her 🙂

My pronouns are she/they and I’m queer but I’m having a “small” identity crisis so that is likely to change haha I love reading and walking in the rain, I love music too! (mostly indie rock at the moment) I have anxiety and depression (neither officially diagnosed but its very obvious.) I’m a gamer and play a lot of bedwars on Minecraft, also love to write and roleplay! I am a vegan animal rights activist and an eclectic witch with no sleep schedule whatsoever so I will likely be writing a lot of my entries at 3 am 🙂

I’ve decided once again to come back to open diary to rant about my chaotic life to a bunch of strangers – I aim to write every week, maybe more often, depends how much I have to tell I guess.

I guess you could call me a typically untypical teenager? Hope you enjoy reading me slowly going insane x

Ripley out <3

(next post coming very soon)

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