A morning surprise

This past Monday morning I had to get up early to go to work. I normally eschew early shifts, but my employer offered a small bonus to visit a nearby client. This was made worse by the snow storm we had this past Sunday. It wasn’t a huge amount of snow but it was (and has been) very cold. I went out Sunday night and cleaned off the truck so I wouldn’t have to do it in the morning. As I was getting ready to go, I happened to look out back and saw that there was a golden glow in the eastern sky. The trees looked like they were trimmed in lace as the sun began to show thru the woods.
But then, as I was photographing the fiery sky, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. There was a group of three deer foraging in the underbrush, unaware I was watching them thru the sliding glass patio door. I took lots of pictures as they browsed, and I almost ended up late to work. But it was worth it, and that beautiful sight made having to get up early somewhat worth while.
There are deer everywhere around here, and I see them quite often. But usually not with such a picturesque background.