Yet another nightmare…

Last night I had another nightmare, one that was likely inspired by some things I did and saw the day before. It only takes a small trigger to generate a dream, whether good, bad or in between. My nightmare was concerning something I’ve had some really bad dreams about, but that which I had not thought much about recently. I found myself inside of some sort of building, in a shadowy, nondescript room accompanied by a man. It was vaguely like an attic, but had concrete walls and flooring and there was some sort of rafter-like structure in the ceiling. I had approached this man to seek information, and I had a distinctive feeling as to who this person represented. There were a couple of old scrolls that were tucked up into the ceiling rafters, and the man reached up to pull them down. These scrolls were large and fragile looking, and a cloud of dust filled the air as they were moved. He handed the first one to me, and then he reached for the second one. As he pulled it down and went to give it to me, it began to fall apart. All during this dream I was suffering from an extremely strong sense of dread and overwhelming terror. I wasn’t scared of the man, but I was deathly afraid of what might be revealed in those mysterious scrolls. But I never had the chance to unroll them, even the first one that did not fall to pieces. The nightmare just ended there, unresolved.

Such a dream sounds rather vague and not something that would inspire fear. But it was what was going on in my mind in the dream helps complete the scenario. To me, the man represented the creator of a notorious website having to do with none other than the infamous Sunshine Skyway Bridge. I have visited that site at least a few times in the past year, and thus far I’ve neglected to mention it. While I have no idea who actually runs the site, its owner/administrator uses a male name as a handle. A discussion of that site and what it is all about will require at least one separate entry, if not more. But suffice to say that it does for the Skyway Bridge what the movie “Jaws” did for sharks. I began having nightmares about that bridge before I laid eyes on that site, so it is not the root cause of those terrifying dreams. And the room like space we were in was very much reminiscent of photos I’ve seen of the maintenance areas in similar bridges. In cable stayed bridges the length of the road deck is basically hollow inside and that interior can look somewhat like an attic in a building, but made of reinforced concrete rather than wood timbers. Speaking of such spaces, I was helping my husband in the basement last night and I was up on a ladder helping him bolt something to one of the floor joists. I have no doubt that was the catalyst for some of the dream imagery. The other spark came from a video about the Key Bridge I posted a comment on a couple of months ago. Someone recently replied that they hoped the new Key Bridge would be like the Sunshine Skyway.

So there I was in that spine chilling dream, possibly having somehow accessed the inner sanctum of that horrid bridge, about to receive some dreadful revelation at the hands of a stranger. And not just any stranger, but someone who runs a site dedicated to archiving the ghoulish history of Tampa’s monster. But then the information I sought is forever lost, falling apart as it is handled and crumbles away. This dream is yet another thing I will have to try and figure out, if that is possible. I have no clue as to why I’d dream of that site owner, nor why I’d think that he would have insight as to why I have such repetitious nightmares. Or that he’d have any other ideas that I might find useful. However, earlier this summer I did make contact with the site owner, having submitted an account of the death of the Key Bridge jumper. This account was published on the site in a section dedicated to other bloodthirsty metal and concrete monsters. He said he would eventually post a reply to my submission, but I have never bothered to check and see if he did. I suppose making another visit to that site is something I should do, despite how disturbing it is. That will have to be postponed until tomorrow, as I know better than to look at that site before I go to bed. Doing so would be sure to instigate even more nightmares.

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December 14, 2024

I don’t know, friend, it kind of sounds like it might be a good thing that you didn’t read them.

And my stars, what a great writer you are. Even with a less-than-super-happy message, you articulate and define your sculpture so well. A curtsy and a tip of my hat to you, it’s fair and due.

I offer this last piece in hopes that it will help. My doctor explained this to me years ago: The unconscious mind cannot ‘make up’ faces in dreams. While the entity behind the face can be wildly conjured from just about any corner of the subconscious, the actual face cannot be spontaneously created by brain. What this means is that you have to have seen this man’s face, somewhere, at some point. Whether he was the doorman at a hotel you stayed at ten years ago, or whether he was a lifeguard at the beach, or the checker at the grocery store. There is nearly no way to tell exactly where his face came from. But it didn’t just appear. Sometimes that can manifest as helpful, sometimes it can manifest as so useless it could be disregarded. But I thought perhaps it might help.

Love & Respect,
Your Friend,
Odd Petunia

December 14, 2024

@odd-petunia Thanks for the compliment on my writing. I agree about faces in a dream, as for me sometimes faces are visualized, especially those who, like this website owner, are known but unseen.  I’ve had other dreams where I see faces quite clearly even though they are made up people.  But as you noted, they are likely an amalgam of real people’s faces that are not consciously remembered.

December 30, 2024

The big monster bridges you write about and walk across are archetypes of some of your deepest fears inwhich you feel compelled, in both dreams and waking life, to confront and overcome.  These are surrogates for what you really fear:  what’s happening in, or to  your mind, suicide, death, annihilation, pure emptiness and menacing strangers.  Most people see these big, long bridges as benign, convenient, highly utilitarian means of access to both familiar or faraway lands.  But not you.

Other than that, from the notes you leave, your life seems pretty normal.  Are you a published novelist?

December 30, 2024

@oswego Wow, Ok… I do think you have perhaps pinpointed the notion that for me, the monster bridge is symbolic.  I suppose it is far easier to confront and deal with the symbol as opposed to that which is behind it.  I only wish I knew why the collapse of that one bridge sparked this obsession.  I feel if I keep digging, eventually I might just get to the bottom of it all. But then again, doing so might mean facing the really scary things that those bridges represent.

To answer your second question, no.  I’ve written quite a few short stories but have never tried to publish them.  Some day I’d like to, though.

Again, happy new year to you and thanks for your insight.