Another week

Both Aaron and I have been working overtime at our jobs this week. We’re awake at 4 AM. Day 3 and I’m already freaking exhausted. Drained. So tired. I’m not a morning person. I finally ‘wake up’ between 8-9 AM (usually closer to 9).

We do have plans this weekend to go camping. Aaron took Thurs/Fri off work. I’m leaving work early on Friday. We’re going camping about 2 hours away. Last time I looked the temps where we’re going should be mid 60s for highs and 48-50 for lows. So not so bad. We only have a tent. But always take stuff for warm and cold weather.

One of my coworkers dad died a couple weeks ago. Coworker finally came back to work. Her name is Jodi, she’s 26. I asked her if she was ok. She said for the most part she is ok. Just a sad deal that she doesn’t have her dad anymore at 26.

The town we live in (Yankton, SD) is right on the boarder of South Dakota and Nebraska. Only thing that divides the states is a river. There is a dam…..which creates a lake from the river.

So a couple weeks ago Jodi’s dad/step mom went camping on the river/lake. Jodi’s dad took his boat out to go fishing. At some point, another boater reported the boat without anyone in it. So Search and Rescue people had to investigate. Then Jodi’s dad was reported missing. He was reported missing an hour after his last contact with anyone. His phone and radio were still turned on, still on the boat. Jodi said it was common for her dad to swim while he fished. He wasn’t wearing a life jacket. Jodi said her dad was a good swimmer.

His body was found the Monday after he was reported missing (the previous Friday). His body had floated back to the top, near the area where people were camping (another camper noticed the body floating close to the shore). An autopsy was done. I’m not sure on the results of that.

My guess would be that he did drown. He may have been a good swimmer but with a lake/river area and currents, he could have went under. Since this summer we had a lot of rain, the area had extra water. Another coworker suggested the dad could have had a heart attack and could have went over.

But the family is still waiting on full reports of the autopsy. The funeral already happened.

So when I talked to Jodi, she really did seem ‘ok’ when I talked to her. She told me she felt like it hasn’t hit her yet that her dad is gone. My guess is it’ll hit her more once she hears the full results of the autopsy.

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September 19, 2018

That is really too bad.