74 Getting dark, too dark to see

In which our Hero is wishing he’d just gone back to sleep last night but clearly that’s not an option

[BonnieRose] suggested we make something of a garden/art project out of our OpenDiary by setting down regrets to be buried with the rest of the site. I’m intrigued by the idea. At the same time, some of those are great stones buried deep, and I don’t know that I want to disinter them. What if there’s unprocessed hurt there?

I’m regretting what I’ve done to my sleep cycle. What I Need is a little bit of careful conditioning to restore some degree of sleep hygiene, but I can’t seem to find a rhythm that won’t get interrupted, seemingly every time I lay my head down. More painfully, there’s nothing in reserve.

Ah well, today is a day for coffee.

Feeling the grief of losing this place a little extra today. In some ways this stupid little filler project has reminded me of much better days at the start where stories poured out of my head and real entries would result, multiple times a day.

Oh well. Time to go to work.

I’ve already put contact information into a more official farewell to this place. Everything since that entry is just doodling in the notebook because there are a few pages left. Just in case, though, good bye.


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February 6, 2014

Those real entries come in bunches. Too bad there is not a steady stream of them.

February 6, 2014

Yes. It feels like the beginning. (or close to it, since I didn’t arrive until February 2000)